domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Finally, Efforts Bore Fruit

What's New

Wallace got to know Caitlin's family. Martin took the SAT's and didn't get a great score. Martin graduated from Marist Brothers and went to live with Wallace's family until Caitlin gets his scholarship. Caitlin's Mom finally convinced sister Barbara and Martin got his scholarship. He arrived to the US and everyone received him. Caitlin Marrried and had a daughter. Martin started working at a pizza restaurant and got money to pay a house for his family in Zimbabwe. Lois, Martin's youngest sister was being the best student at school and Martin Promised to help her get into University in the US.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

" 'Guys,' I said, interrupting their fun, 'I'd be happy at any of these palces. I just need one to say yes to a full scholarchip' " (Welch 322).
 Martin didn't want toget happy without knowing if he'd been accepted in the universities with full scholarchip.

"HEARING CAITLIN SAY 'YOU MADE IT' when we first embraced made me realize this was real" (Welch 377).
It must be like a dream for Martin to be in the US. For so many years he dream about it, but know it was a reality

"It took some time, but finally I was able to save enough to buy my parents a new house in Mutare (Welch 387).
One thing that I like about Martin's personality is that when he gets what he wants, he does not stop there, instead, he tries to find ways to help his family and repay Caitlin's family

What I Learned

This is a book that talks about a true story. It is impressive how poor people are in the world. These people don't realize what they do not have, they are vary unfortunate. If Caitlin would have not met Martin, maybe he would still be poor.


What's New

With his great scores, Martin was admitted in Marist Brothers, the best college in South Africa. Martin had to pay his colleague by himself, but he could not pay it, thankfully, the Delta Corporation offered to pay his education. This school was like an internee and was also far away from Zimbabwe, so Martin's family had to be away from him and they could only see each other in vacations. One vacation, Martin's mom got really sick, (Malaria and Cholera) but with Caitlin's money, she was cured and did not die. Wallace, a friend at Marist Brothers was admitted at a university in U.S. Pennsylvania and Martin gave him the address to Caitlin's family. Caitlin and her family where searching for admissions for Martin in U.S. Universities and he was about to take the SAT's.
I really want to know what happens next

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I remained quiet. I had nothing left to say. ' I'm on the board of this company, and they offer scholarships,' he explained, handing me a piece of official stationery that said DELTA CORPORATION 
I was trembling as I read the note:
Dear Sir: 
  This is to inform you that Martin Ganda is a recipient of the Delta 2001 Scholarship Award for two years up to A-level exams.
  Kindly send the school invoice for the whole year for the above named student. Payment will be made directly to the school
  Thank you for your assistance.
                                                                                                      Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                     G.T. Mutendadzamera
                                                                                                     Corporate Affairs Manager
( Welch  259).
Martin deserves this kind of price because of all his effort. His education was being paid by a corporation, Martin thought that this day, he was going to be kicked out of Marist Brothers because of lack of payment, instead he got a full scholarship. Caitlin was also great help because without her, Martin would have never been able to finish school.

"' I called sister Barbara today in Thais financial aid office and told Her about Martin' she explained ' And she just cut me off and said : -We don't offer financial aid to internetional students-, which I know isn't true because I hay several friends who where there on scholarships from different countries'" (Welch 296).
Caitlin's mom is trying to get Martin a full scholarship for university, but it's difficult. Everyone should be treated equally, I mean why do other kids that are less desperate get the scholarship? Sometimes, when we hear about harsh stories we don't listen to them until we see for ourselves how terrible they are. Sister Barbara was ignoring Martin's case.

What I Learned

I think that the good things we do are paid back by life. Martin really needed a recompense for helping his family and always studying hard for them. He is very lucky that Caitlin apeared because she has been a great support. This book almost comes to an end and so far it has been really interesting.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Benefited from Friendship

What's New

Both Caitlin and Martin where better after they started being friends, Martin received help from Caitlin who basically sent money each month to maintain his family, and also Caitlin started becoming a better person and understanding that she is lucky. She now saw her friend's problems as an exaggeration and understood girls from her school that where bothered. Once,  people started doubting about Martin, but very soon, people found out that Caitlin's friend was a very good person. Martin was able to continue with school and he got the best grade in all south africa at the O levels quiz, he could have a great future.
How I felt about Caitlin's attitude

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

How Martin and his family probably felt about his score :)

"People could still tell me stuff, but I wouldn't take it on. Instead, I'd say 'That's too bad.' Or, 'I'm so sorry you feel that way.' The only person I was willing to expend any emotional energy on was Martin" (Welch 158).
Here is evidence about how Caitlin attitude changed when she started to know about Martin's problems. Maybe, if these two friends had never met, Caitlin would be a totally different person. Her school friends had problems such as what to wear in a party while Martin didn't know for how much longer he would have food.

" Thanks to Caitlin, we ate chicken for Christmas that year, a miracle considering what our friends and neighbors were experiencing" (Welch 162).
It is very good to help people in need because the impact we cause in thair lifes is good and huge, no matter how small our action is. Also, we have to be supportive because we don't know what people are going throught. Sometimes, problems shape the way people act. Anyone can be passing throught a hard situation and we need to be comprehensive, even people we are very close to like friends have problems we don't know about.

What I Learned

I think that Martin will be accepted in a great college. Maybe, this will also help his family. This way, Caittlin will be paying less to Martin's family. I hope this happens next,n the O level grades are a very good thing that will help the characters in the book.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

A Bigger Friendship

What's New

Caitlin and Martin kept sending each other letters. Caitlin Sent pictures, t-shirts and gifts in her writings. The two became best friends. Martin was always trying to write back on his letters tough his economic situation was always getting worse. With all the presents, Martin could only asure that he would always write back. Martin had to drop out of school because of the fees. Caitlin helped with her babysitting money, her family also sent money for the rest of Martin's brothers. Since Zimbabwe was a very poor country, it was very difficult to send money because people would steal it

What I thought when I saw how generous they where with each other

Hidden Messages in the Book

"In hindsight, I'm almost ashamed of how ridiculous my teen dramas were. I had no idea what Martin was going through because he never let on. Instead, he responded to my silly stories and never said much about his own life" (Welch 89). 
Sometimes, we make our daily problems that are not so big seem giant, while other people suffer from bigger issues. Martin didn't have school, while Caitlin had everything.

"It was Z$550 per student, roughly twenty American dollars, a fortune for many. Still,most of those kids didn't care about school-for me, it painful to leave.
      As I gathered my things, my mind was racing: I had to get back to school as quickly as possible" (Welch 91). 
Martin was a very dedicated and determined kid, I am sure that he will become a great student with Caitlin's help

What I Learned

Martin is very lucky to have Caitlin's support, especially in a crisis. I think that maybe, next Martin's father will get a better job and that his family's economic situation will improve. This is what I infer because of the information in the back of the book.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

The Letter

What's New

Resultado de imagen para I will always write back book
Caitlin was a girl from Pensylvania. Martin was a boy from Zimbabwe. One day, at school, Caitlin's teacher told everyone in the class about a penpal project they where going to do with kids in other countries. There was lots of countries to choose from and Caitlin choose Zimbabwe. That night, Caitlin started to write a letter to  kids in Africa . When the letter was received, not everyone in the class could have the priviledge to read it because not a lot of american students had written to Zimbabwe, only the good students had the priviledgde of reading the letter out loud. Martin ganda was one of the priviledged ones; he was the best student in his class because being a bad student was not an option for him. His mother was also the best student, but since her family was very poor, she had to leave school, now the family was also poor, but thankfully, it could afford education. Martin and Caitlin started writing letters to each other more frequently.

Hidden Messages in the Book

"My mother was  smart, but she had to drop out of school when she was twelve because her parents could not afford the fees. My parents where also poor, but at least I was still in school. I promised her that I would always work as hard as possible (Welch 15). 
Martin had a very hard life, but he always made his best effort. The author wants to show that you always have to make the best you can because there are others that can't afford what you have.

"'Mai', I said one day as my stomach groaned from hunger. 'Let's use Caitlin's money for groceries.'
She shook her head. 'That is for your future, Martin,' she said. 
'Our future is now,' I explained.
She reluctantly agreed, and then climbed on top of her bed to get the dollar from the box
 We went to  the ost office to exchange it. The teller did not even check any charts or use a calculator.
'One American dollar is twenty-four Zim dollars,' she said" (Welch 51).
In one of his messages, Martin asked Kaitlin for a us dollar to see how it looked and told her that in response he would give her one zim dollar. With one us dollar, Martin could buy food for one week.

What I learned

We have to be thankfull for what we have and make our best effort. In this case, Caitlin has helped Martin a lot and they have just met. I think that this relationship will go stronger during the book. I think Caitlin and Martin will become best friends

mi茅rcoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Finishing the Plan

What's New

The BFG and Sophie had breakfast with the queen, and they showed her the plan. Soldiers followed the Big Friendly Giant to his country and captured the 9 human-gobblers. BFG went to live in the city in a house constructed by the queen. The bad giants where put in a cage so deep that it was impossible to escape; snozzcumbers where feeded to the beasts and they could no longer hunt. A snozzcumber farm was placed in the city for infinite food for the giants. Sophie lived with the BFG who was named "Royal Dream Catcher" the good giant learned how to read, write, and talk properly in school. At the end of the story, the Big Friendly Giant confesses that he wrote the book and put the name of other person in it because he was shy.

What a wonderfull ending

Secret Messages in the Book

"'We'll mow them down with machine-guns!' cried the Head of the Army.
'I do not approve of murder,' the Queen said.
'But they are murderers themselves! cried the Head of the Army.
'That is no reason why we should follow their example,' the Queen said. 'Two wrongs don't make a right'"  (Dahl 177).
The nine bad creatures killed humans, but that was no reason to treat them the same way. "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you" -Confucius-. Revenge is not a good thing.

"This was arranged, but because the BFG was a very modest giant, he wouldn't put his own name on it. He used somebody else's name instead"  (Dahl 207).
Eventhought the Big Friendly Giant  did so many wonderful things, he stayed humble. Instead of showing off, he changed names in the book he wrote so it was no big thing. It is good to be modest.

What I Learned

Roald Dahl created a very nice story that teached lots of messages to the reader. Teachings can help you in life, and lots of them where found in this book. I liked this tale a lot and I would definetely recomend it. Since the movie came out, I will watch it. I'm sure that this book will be better than the movie because it is difficult to find as much detail in the book than in the film.

Following the Plan

What's New

The dream was blown into the queen. The plan was working perfecly. Sophie sat in the queen's window such as in the dream, this was going to help stop the bad ones. BFG was well received inside the castle after the girl was discovered in the window. Sophie and the giant explained to the queen how to stop the bad creatures.
That's how a plan works

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'Dreams is full of mystery and magic,' the BFG said. 'Do not try to understand them" (Dahl 128).
There are things that we don't need to understand, and we simply need to enjoy . In life, we can't understand everything that happens. We have to learn to live with what we have and what happens, also we have to enjoy the simple things of life.

So we have to live with what occurs

"Sophie wished she could see into the room, but she didn't dare to touch the curtains"  (Dahl 151).
What the author is trying to tell us in this quote is that sometimes, we need to be patient in order to get what we desire. Sophie was very impatient about making the plan work, she couldn't wait to start. The girl was patient, and finally, everything went as she wanted it to go. If she did not wait, maybe the plan would have not worked.

What I Learned

So far, this book has provided great messages to us, the readers. In this part of the book, Dahl showed us to be patient and to enjoy little things in life. The book is almost over but there are lots of messages that we will find in what's left of the story. I think this book will end with the plan completed and successfully executed.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

The Solution

What's New

While dream catching, Sophie and BFG found a bad dream and blowed it in the bad giants; so the nine human eaters had terrible nightmares. The orphan girl learned a lot about dreams, which led to a great plan. This idea would stop the giants from hunting humans. The girl wanted to blow a mixed dream that talked about the nine giants, Sophie, and the BFG into the Queen of England, and then make it reality so the terrible creatures would be stopped with the help of the queen.

Finally the giants will stop.

Hidden Messages in the Book

" Sophie was silent. This extraordinary giant was disturbing her ideas. He seemed to be leading her towards mysteries that where beyond her understanding"  (Dahl 102).
Some people get bothered when others talk abot things that are "beyond their understanding". The best thing to do is to pay attention to new things. The more we learn, better. With more information inside us, we can succeed in life better than if we don't have a good education.

" We can't just sit here and do nothing! We've got to go after those brutes!"  (Dahl 116).
In life we have to be determined. Sophie being determined led her to the plan that saved people from giants. If you don't have what you want to do in your mind, you won't make it. You always have to be sure about your decisions.

What I Learned

I learned lots of things in this section of the book. For me, this is the climax of the story. The plan that Sophie created is very determined and open minded. I think that this idea will be possible and that the nine human- gobblers will be stopped.
When you have determination you know what you have to do such as in the song

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

Learning New Things

What's New

Sophie finally understood how the BFG was the only good enourmous creature. She found out about human eating giants, there was nine of them. One day, a bad giant almost ate Sophie and the other giants bothered the BFG. The girl tried snozzcumbers and frobscottle that was what the BFG consumed because in Gian country there was no food (that is why the other giants ate human beans). The good friendly giant and Sophie where going to catch dreams.

The giant world was a "whole new world" to Sophie

Hidden Messages in the Book

" ' Yesterday,' he said,'we is not believing in giants is we? Today we is not believing in snozzcumbers. Just because we happen not to have actually seen something with our own two little winkles, we think it is not existing"  (Dahl 48).
In Giant Country, Sophie's perspective changed because she learned lots of things she did not know. We have to be open-minded because we have lots more things to learn than we expect. In our lives, our point of view can be influenced by things we learn. We can't think that we know everything because we don't.

"Human beans is killing each other much quicker than the giants is doing it.' 'But they don't eat each other. Sophie said. Giants is not very lovely, but they is not killing each other. Nor is crockadowndillies killing other crockadowndilllies. Nor is pussy-cats killing pussy-cats.'
'They kill mice,' Sophie said.
'Ah, but they is not killing their own kind,' the BFG said. 'Human beans is the only animals that is killing their own kind.'" (Dahl 78).
In this quote, Roald Dahl is trying to tell us that humans are not as inosent as they think they are. Not all people are bad, but there are also lots of people that are bad. Humans care a lot about material thing that are not so important compared to other things in life.

What I Learned

We have to be open minded in order to make advansmentc in learning. We don't need to see things in order to believe in them. This book is getting really interesting. I wonder what will happen next. I think that later on, Sophie will start helping the BFG in his daily life.

mi茅rcoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

The Phenomena

What's New

Sophie was an orphan girl. One night, sophie awoke; she was curious about the witching hour, when every dark creature appeared because every person was in deep sleep. A big giant kidnaped Sophie because she saw him. Humans are not supposed to see giants. The girl discovered that this giant was a Big Friendly Giant (BFG) and that his job was to blow dreams while kids where sleeping.
Sophie was lucky because the BFG did not eat her

Hidden Messages in the Book

" The Giant is running fast because he is hungry and he wants to get home, and then, he'll have me for breakfast"  (Dahl 20). Not everything is how we think it is. Sophie discovers that this giant was not after all. Eventhought in stories giants are mostly bad creatures, that doesn't meant that it is impossible to find good giants.

" He is getting ready to eat me, she told herself. He will probably eat me raw, just as I am" (Dahl 23).
When we are scared, we see every situation worst than it really is. Sophie is now exaggerating.

" 'All of them is guzzling human beans every night', the BFG answered 'All of them exepting me' " (Dahl 35). Being different is not bad. This giant was not as any other, and that's what makes him special.

What I Learned

I learned that being different from each other is what makes us special. The BFG is an extraordinary giant because of his differences. I think that later on, the other giants will find out about Sophie. This has been an entertaining book until now.

s谩bado, 23 de abril de 2016

Things did not go as they Should

What's New

Hattie lost all of her crops because of a devastating rain that occurred. Karl and Chase went on a trip to New York. Spanish influenza spread throught Montana, Perilee, Mattie, Fern and Lottie caught it (The 3 kids minus Chase). Hattie went to help the family and all of them could be saved from the desease except for Mattie who died. After Mattie's death, Perilee and Karl decided to move into seattle because everything of their house in Montana reminded them about Mattie. Hattie could not prove up and had to leave her farm and find a job as a maid, which she'd been avoiding in first place. War was over and Charlie was coming back, which was the only good news.
Why did Mattie die?

Hidden Messages in the Book

"As I thanked my neighbors at the end of the day, I felt as if I was at a funeral. And in a way it was. A funeral for a dream. how could months of work be destroyed in a few minutes?"(Larson 241). This was terrible for Hattie. It was very hard to plant the wheat and to farm. She could not plant things again because they wouldn't grow fast enough. Now she was going to loose her property. Sometging Hattie always used to say was that "the lord always works in mysterious ways"; who knows, maybe Hattie will find better opportunities ou of her farm.

"'Mattie, honey. Wake up.' I held her close. Oh God, don't take this child. Please don't take this child" (Larson 260). Sometimes, good things don't last forever. Mattie was certainly nice for being around. She was only 6 years old!

What I learned

This was a very sad ending

Hattie has had a hard time. Everything changed in a matter of seconds. First, the crops where nice and green, then they where all destroyed. First, Mattie was very loving, then she caught the influenza and didn't resist. I did not expect this things to happen. This is a ver nice book, but I would have preferred that not so many bad things happened.

New Surprises

What's New

Rooster Jim, one of Hattie's neighbors gave her some hen so she could have fresh eggs each morning. Other neighbor: Leafie, took Hattie to visit Mabel and her family. Mabel had a son who was named Elmer, her husband was also named as their son. People took Mabel's husband to jail because of not signing up to war, and when Elmer Jr. tried to save his father, he got a broken arm. Perilee's baby was born, she was a girl and was named Lottie.

Lots of things happened

Hidden Messages in the Book

"I wish you could see my fields. I never knew green could be so beautiful-but then I've never had a farm of my own before. Rooster Jim says all portents point to a good harvest. I certainly hope so; my meager budget can't stand much more of a diet"(Larson 179). The first time you make something, you are amazed. Hattie is really proud about her fields and she really does deserve a reward because she has put lots of effort into her farm.

"I'd been inspired after reading a particularly gruesome report  about Hun atrocities. Every man must do his duty, I'd written. What is the small sacrifice of leaving one's family? Think of those Belgian babies and starving Frenchmen. It seemed so easy to tell nemeless, faceless men to march off to war. But to tell Elmer Ren, with a sick qife and too many children and his life tied up in 320 acres of Montena prairie, that he must leave all behind... that was a different story" (Larson186). It is very easy to say or think something you don't know about. When you face things that are difficult, your opinion changes.

What I Learned

First times are always exiting when you are doing the right thing.  Hattie obviously was happy because she was finally getting a home of her own. This was very significant because Hattie could finally follow her dreams. The objective of arriving to Wolf Point, Montana was to have a stable life. I guess that Hattie will acophlish what she wants.
Hattie is finally getting  a home of her own!

jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Bittersweet Moments

What's New
 Hattie was trying to finish planting in her farm, and she did it! She kept sending cards to her uncle Holt and he told her in a card that one friend of him wanted to publish her letters and pay her. One day, she went to visit Perilee and she smelled something burning. It was her neighbors barn (Perilee's). Karl and Chase managed to save their horses, but could not save the cows. Hattie gave them Violet, her cow. She went to church with Perilee after taking care for the baby (Perilee was pregnant). Then, she went to town and shopped for supplies, she found out that her real uncle had left her fencing materials that costed 200 dollars and forgot to pay them.

How will Hattie pay

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'One hundred and twenty dollars!' I reached my arms to that vast blue sky. 'Thank you, Lord, for your mysterious ways!'" (Larson 122). Hattie is very humble and thankful. She was going toreceive this money for her letters to uncle Holt. Each time she wrote a letter, she earned 15 dollars.

"That and boots would only take $7 of my stash. 'I'll make do with these old boots. Then I can get Perilee that old rocker.'" (Larson 123). Hattie was really kind she gave up her boots so she could buy Perilee a new rocker. Since Karl's wife was pregnant, she needed a rocker that they could not afford and Hattie decided to buy it for them.

What I Learned

Hattie was mistreated by Aunt Ivy. She treats everyone well. She is very humble and helpful. In Montana, her village, she is loved by all of her neighbors because of her attitude. It is good for people to have a nice attitude towards others. I am curious about how will Hattie pay what his uncle gave her?

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Adapting to a New Life

What's New

The wolf could not catch Violet. Perilee's husband, Karl had to register as an alien enemy only because he was born in Germany. After that, there where lots of  storm days. One day, Plug (her horse) came with Perilee's children who got lost with the storm when they where returning home from school. Hattie made them stay for the night. Some days later, winter ended and Hattie started to plant. The kids started to visit her a lot. One day, Hattie saw the kids return from school but some other boys where throwing rocks at them because Karl had given them a German fairytale from her mother; when the other kids found out they bothered them saying that German books where not allowed at school. Hattie stopped the bullies. Hattie went to church to a knitting group. When she returned, someone had left a card telling her if she wanted to link to an anti-german group.
Who gave this message to Hattie?

Hidden Messages in the Book

"It was a broadside of sorts. Join the Montana Loyalty League, it read. It hunts home huns, checks class conflicts, promotes pure patriotism. Membership free to all Loyal Montana men, women, and children" (Larson 111-112). Huns are Germans in the book. This quote shows that not only in Germany Jewish people where discriminated, but in the U.S all kinds of German people where mistreated. Karl was German, but he was only born there and did not hate Jewish people, any ways, he had to go and registrate as an alien enemy. Karl's children in-law are being bullied at school because of their Mother's husband.

"'It belonged to Karl's mother,' said Chase as we climbed the steps to my front door. 'Old fairy tales.'
'And Lon threw it-' Mattie held her own nose and covered her doll's. 'In the necessary.' 
I ladled warm water from the reservoir on the stove into an enamelware bowl, soaked a rag, wrung it out, and handed it to Chase. He gently dabbed at his face.
'Why?' I asked.
'They say it's against the law to have German books.'" (Larson 103). People where mean to each other during war. Even children from the two fighting countries where rude to each other. Chase and Mattie (Perilee's and Karl's children) where not really German, but their father-s in-law nationality made them have a hard time at school. Karl was a really kind man.

What I Learned

This part of the book made me be sad about Perilee's family. People should not judge Karl by his nationality because he was a very good person. No one should be bullied. This children where also very kind and cute and did not deserve to be mistreated.

mi茅rcoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

A Great Opportunity at the Perfect Time

What's New

Hattie Big Sky, by Kirby Larson
Hattie is 16 years old and has no parents. Since they died when she was a toddler, she has been living with different relatives or friends of relatives that treat her as a housemaid. The house she was living at her l6 was from "Aunt" Ivy and "Uncle" Holt, they where not really family. One day she received a message from her real uncle offering her a house of her own, a farm, a horse and a cow, she accepted the offer. She went in a train to her new house and when she arrived, Perilee and her family ( Friends of her uncle) took her to her new house. Lots of days after Hattie had settled, a wolf tried to eat Violet, the cow, Hattie tried to throw rocks to the wolf and...

Hattie had an opportunity she never dreamed of, she must feel very happy

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I was thirteen when Aunt Ivy took me in. She's really no aunt at all; Uncle Holt's a distant cousin. She couldn't resist the opportunity to do her Christian duty. Nor could she resist the opportunity to remind me every single day that I had nothing and no one" (Larson 7). Religious people are not always kind. On one halloween, my brother and sister went trick or treating. They knocked on the door of a neighboor who was super religious, and when she opened, she started yelling an my mom that whitches existed and that halloween was a horrible night when no one should go out; that scared my sister who was 6 years old and my brother who was 2. She was really mean.
Both Ivy and my neighbor where really maleficent woman
"Uncle Holt favored newspapers. He was the one who'd first warned about war in Europe. Said any fool could see it coming if he paid attention" (Larson 7). The author wants to show us that reading can make us aware of many things. It can entertain, inform, and more.
This is what the author wants us to do
"Perilee was what Aunt Ivy would've called plain. Her long nose sat at odds with round face. Rusty brown hair scrambled every which way on her head, and she walked withan ungraceful limp. No, Perilee would not turn heads. But when she smiled a welcome to me, I hought her an equal to Bebe Daniels, my favorite film star"  (Larson 20-21). The message in this quote is don't judge people by how they look. Perilee was not so nice on the outside, but she was a really humble and caring person.

What I Learned

This book has been really interesting until now. My prediction is that Hattie will hit the wolf with the rock and make problems bigger. One question I have is: Why hasn't Hatties real uncle go to greet her? I hope the book keeps going on like this because it is very entertaining. I like the way the author describes Hattie's new way of living.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

People are Very Different from How You Think They are

What's New

By analyzing all of the clues, Nayir and Katya found out that Othman was the father of Nouf's baby. Nayir went to talk with Othman and asked him lots of questions; finally, Nayir came to the conclusion that Othman did not Kill Nouf. Going throught the Shrawi property, Nayir found all of Nouf's gems hidden. Nouf did not take all of her treasures when she was going to leave. Someone hid them. Nayir realized that Abir hid the gems and Killed Nouf. At the end, Katya and Nayir became great friends.

How I felt when I discovered that there where many people in Nouf's family who caused her death

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

" 'I found the baby's father' she said. He couldn't help it - he looked. The expression on her face told him everything. Othman" (Ferraris 259). Sometimes, the people you trust in can be really liars. Katya loved Othman, and sadly he was really an infidel. Katya was going to marry Othman, but luckly, she found out the truth about her fiance. It must be very hard for her to overcome this situation. Othman had a very mean behavior and didn't think about how it could affect Katya.
How could Othman be so mean
"You know what's funny? My father didn't want me to marry Othman" (Ferraris 260). Katya's father somehow predicted that Othman was not going to be a good husband. If Katya would have been obedient, maybe she would not have been traspassing this consequences. I am sure this is a really big suffering. By this quote, the author wants to show us that parent's advices are the best.
Why didn't Katya follow his dad's wills

What I learned

This book ended in a really surprising way. The mistery of Nouf got solved. Something that left me with a doubt is: Do people in Muslim families marry their siblings? because Othman was the father of his sister's baby. Other question I have is: at what ages do girls marry in muslim culture? because Nouf was getting married at the age of 15. This book was really impacting and full of surprises.

Nothing is What it Seems

What's New 

Katya tested Muhammed's and Eric's DNA. No one matched with the father of Nouf's baby. Katya told Othman and he told her to stop investigating because she could loose her job.  She started to get involved in the case so she investigated without Othman's permission. Nayir and Katya found clues in a abandoned zoo, Nouf had been there. Then, in a beach, Nayir found where Nouf hid the things with which she escaped. There was a diary in which she wrote about a man that she was in love with, but she never wrote his name. There was also a bicicle, a map, and more. Nayir decided to take the foot print examiner, Multaq to the zoo and the hiding place.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"She hadn't taken the time to look at the printouts, and now it was bothering her. Had either DNA been a match for Nouf's baby? She would have to wait until she got home to find out" (Ferraris 186).
Sometimes, you need to have patience in order to discover things. This quote teaches us that sometimes, there are things you want to find out but you have to wait in order to see them. Katya was probably very impatient because she wanted to solve the mistery. This parts of the book have a very strong message.
How Katya felt when she knew she had to wait a lot.
" 'I've got to meet with Othman briefly. It's about his sister.' Abu eyed her dangerously. 'Why can't you just call him?' 'It's not something I want to tell him on the phone.' " (Ferraris 186). There are some things you have to say face to face and not in the phone. Family issues are very serious. Phone calls are not so formal. It is more respectful to talk about serious things with responsability.

What I Learned

Lots of information was gained during this chapters. Somethings I am curious about are:  will something surprising be discovered? I also want to know if the mistery will get solved or if it will let us with suspence. The book is getting really interesting. The characters are getting closer and closer to their objective which is  to find an answer to Nouf's dissapearance.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

With Group Work, Everything is Better

What's New

Nayir and Katya got together to solve the case. The both of them tried to find Eric and find out new things. Finally, Nayir find's where Eric is living and talks with him, he says that he has nothing to do with her baby, or her death. Meanwhile, Katya went to visit his fiance's sisters. She went to Nouf's room secretly and inspected it. She found lots of things, and then, Abir, Nouf's sister arrived. She gave Katya a tour throught Nouf's room.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"FOLLOWING MISS HIJAZI'S TOYOTA, Nayir wondered what sort of parents she had who would allow her to work in a mixed environment" (Ferraris 135). By "mixed environment" Nayir meant working with men and woman. He is very strict in his religion. Nayir thinks that woman can't do the same things as men. In the whole world, now woman are seen as equals, and there are very few places in which woman are treated as inferiors.

"every Bedouin in creation prided himself on his superior ability to see anything" (Ferraris 145). People think about themselves differently than they really are. Most of the times they don't admit their errors. Nayir thought he had a perfect vision because he was a bedouin but he really had not. People have to accept what they are.
People don't have to pretend being someone else

What I Learned

This part of the story is really important to solve Nouf's case. I believe that really soon answers will start arriving. I infeer that the answers are closer than they think. Nayir and Katya are doing a great investigation process. This book is starting to get interesting.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Things Begin to Make Sense

What's New 

Nayir keeps searching for clues and he finds Nouf's belongings. Nayir and other people like a man who searched for footprints and once worked in a police station finding thiefs went in an excursion to the dessert, but don't find anything. They searched for clues that showed the reasons why Nouf died. Nayir went to talk with one of the only persons that knew Nouf perfectly, his name was Muhammed; he confessed that Nouf wanted to study in New York and that she planned to go in her honeymoon that was planned to be in New York: she was going to leave her fiance in the hotel and meet Eric (the one who would give her the visa and apartment in New York). She would study in the US and then become a zoo specialist; that was her dream. Qazi (Nouf's Fiance) did not know her very well. They had just talked to each other once and when they where kids. On the other side, the Shrawi family hired a private investigator, she was trying to find clues too and was named Katya. She was Othman's fiance.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I've been doing this for so long, I don't remember the rules anymore. I judge on instinct"     (Feerraris 70). With this quote, the author is trying to show us that you only become an expert when you practice a lot. The footprint investigator did this for many years, that is why he never made errors init. He did not follow the rules and just acted by instinct. He made a lot of effort to gain the status of expert.

How I felt when I found out footprint investigators exist.
"He sometimes felt that what his childhood most lacked was the presence of a woman" (Ferraris 75).
This quote shows us that we have to appreciate what we have. Nayir's parents died when he was little. Some people don't notice how lucky they are until they loose everything.

"forgive me. I was supposed to protect her" (Ferraris 99). This quote shows that we have to be responsible. Muhammad did not pay much attention to Nouf so he lost her. Paying attention to people we love is very important.

What I Learned

This part of the book is revealing lots of things about Nouf. The case is starting to make some sense. I thing that deeper in the book, the characters will find out things they did not know. I think there will be lots of surprises. This book is very interesting until now.

mi茅rcoles, 27 de enero de 2016

Finding Clues

What's New 

In the book "Finding Nouf" Nayir, a bedouin is asked to find a girl from the Shrawi family who got lost days ago. She had 16 years old and was about to get married, one day she went shopping and did not return. Nayir was a great friend of the Shrawi family, so he was asked to help. The family said that she had left with a camel, that's why one animal was not in his cage when she left, they were sure she went to the dessert, otherwise, why sould she steal a camel. Nayir began searching and did not find her. Lots of days went on like this until other people found her body and the camel, who was still alive. Nouf's body was sent to an investigation center. Nayir took Nouf's body to her funeral which was organized by the Shrawi Family. All of Nouf's siblings where in the funeral. Othman, who was her brother, talked with Nayir so he could investigate more. Nayir started to research with an investigator, and they found a bag full of Nouf's things.

I felt curious after hearing Nouf's story. I wanted to know what happened to her and why she escaped

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"It was hard to imagine that just weeks after the picture was taken she had run away to the dessert, no less, leaving everything behind: a fiance, a luxurious life,a large, happy family. Why? he wondered Nouf was only sixteen. She had a whole life in front of her. And where did she go?" (Ferraris 3). This quote shows us how things can change drastically in a very short time. Nouf had a perfect life, and suddenly she ran away. Why? it's a mystery; but what we can learn about htis is that we have to be grateful for wat we have because things end. This part of the book has 2 messages that the author wants to show us.

"Who discovered she was missing? My mother" (Ferraris 40). This quote shows that moms know their kids very well. The first one noticing that Nouf was missing was mom. Maybe, she was the most worried person in the family along with the dad because the two of them where parents. The message it gives is that your family will always be besides you.
Maybe this is what the author tries to say
"By the way, these are her tings maybe there's a clue in there" (Ferraris 61). This text shows that things are never as they seem. Maybe something that looks as a bag with supplies which Nouf possesed may take to finding out what happened to her. Sometimes, the things that seem small are powerful. This can transform to an important piece of finding Nouf.

What I Learned

This book is full of mystery. I think that in the next pice of the story, the characters will keep finding clues for Nouf's case. The family of the dissapeared girl is very united and always trying to do something about their lost sister. They are brave because eventhought the conclusion they arrive to about Nouf's case can be terrifying, they do it because she was significant to them.