domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Things Change Drastically

Anne and Peter decided to be just friends. Political news was very good because  UK and USA where starting to gain power and attacking. They where being very succesful. The Frank family and the people in hiding where very exited because they might go out of the Annexe. Sadly, on Tuesday, 1 August, 1944 Anne wrote her last letter to Kitty (her diary). On August 4, 1944 a Dutch person told where the people where hiding, he told them about the secret Annexe. They were all sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp where they where separated, that was the last time they saw each other. In October 1944 Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Vaan Daan where sent to another concentration camp in Belsen. Mrs. Frank died there in Jnuary 6 of the same year; Mr. Vaan Daan died gassed, Peter dissapeared. Anne died after Margot because of sickness in March 1945 (the same year) she was still fifteen.
I just wanted to add this video because it's the only existing film images of Anne (she is on a window)

" Now I am getting really hopeful, now things are going well at last. " (Frank 264). This shows that hope is the last thing that remains. Anne did not surrender in all the hiding process. She had very unique and brave characteristics. We have to learn to be as strong as Anne. She was a great example.

Anne was always really happy, she deserved being free

" I never grumbled, never lost my cue, nothing like that" (Frank 225). In all situations the best thing to do is stay calm. Things may be terrible but you have to find the way out. Grumbling is not the way to react to problems. Having a good actitude is helpful in life. You have to be a nice person.

This last section of the book is pretty meaningfull. It gives lots of good messages. Now there is a Anne Frank museum in her commemoration. Anne's story really surprised people. It got into their minds and it still teaches people all around the world.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

War and Keeping Happiness in the Annexe

Anne fell in love with Peter Vaan Daan. In April 15, 1944 Peter gave Anne her first kiss. There was scarce food, they had to eat rotten boiled lettuce. Lots of people had to go to jale because of helping Jewish people. This family does not understand why does war exist because it only damages the world. This family tried to stay always cheerful and Anne kept seeing Peter.

How I felt when so much things happened at the same time
" Vegetables are still very difficult to obtain: we had rotten boiled lettuce this afternoon" (Frank 222).
This shows that we have to apreciate the things we have. Most of the kids hate vegetables but, others don't have anything to eat. Even thought the food was bad, the people in hiding did not complain. We have to be very thankful. We have to be strong.

" For a long time I haven't had any idea of what I was working for any more; the end of the war is so terribly far away, so unreal, like a fairytale" (Frank 196). Maybe before war, Anne wished for toys; but now, she knows what really matters. This girl has become very strong during the hiding process. Sometimes she thinks about the possibility of war not finishing and she is not affraid. Bravery can help people in their lifes, Anne was not always scared, she was almost always happy.
How I want Anne to stay

This diary entries are maybe the most influential parts of the book. Anne lives for her last 2 years of life in the Annexe and in this section, she describes the most important things. During the war and hiding, Anne has changed a lot. She now loves nature, is very mature and understands life values.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Finding Things to do

There where not much things to do in the Annexe. No one could go out of it and there where not much activities to accomplish. Anne began spending time with Peter Vaan Daan who was the son of Mr Vaan Daan. She began to like being with Peter. New traditions where practiced like Christmas and reading the Bible even thought this was a Jewish family. At first, Anne hated Peter. Now, seeing him was her favorite part of the Day.

"In order to give us something to do, which is also educational, Daddy applied for a prospectus from the teacher's institute in Leiden" (Frank 113). This shows us that education is a price. Not everyone has it, and it is only recognized by people that don't have the opportunity of it . Anne likes learning in the Annexe. In the song Let her go from Passenger says that you don't recognize things until you've lost them.

"To give me something to begin as well, Daddy asked Koophuis for a Children's Bible... Do you want to give Anne a Bible for Chanuka? asked Margot... I think St. Nicholas Day is a better occasion, answered Daddy; Jesus just doesn't go with Chanuka" (Frank 114). This quote shows that war can clearly change people's opinions. Maybe, Anne's dad was trying to change his family into Christianity  so it wouldn't be much of a problem after war. Even thought war is full of fear, it should not influence people. Everything has a solution and changing of faith is clearly not one.

During this Diary entries, lots of things happened. There are not much things to do in the Annexe, but time goes on fast. People in hiding adapt to the circumstances and enjoy life even though it is hard for them. All of this people are being humble and supporting what they can. Obviously they are not perfect and have issues, but they're making an effort to comport correctly.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Trying to Survive

Anne celebrated birthays, Chanuka, and unusualy St. Nichola's day, or Christmas. There where political news of war. Lots of quarrels between the Vaan Daans occured. Lots of new things happened. Anne faught with Dussel because she was trying to get a place to work and the Dentist always occupied the desk in the room that they had agreed to share. The Anexe was full of new things.
What I think that Anne's family should do

"We Didn't make much fuss about Chanuka... St. Nicholas Day was much more fun" (Frank 57).
War makes people change of opinions even if they are not bad. With this quote, I can see that this family are trying to change their faith in order to be treated normally. Anyone can be a good person. We have to like each other by who we are.

"The people in This neighborhood don't look very attractive. The children especially are so dirty you wouldn't want to touch them with a barge pole" (Frank 60). This are the effects of war. In this scene, Anne is just seeing throught a window, she is not really experiencing it, and it is really bad. All kinds of pleasure in life have been taken away by war. Not only jews suffered, but everyone.
How I feel about war
People can become very cruel. This is the case of Hitler. Life of the people that experienced war is clearly different thant the life of a normal person. If Anne's family gets out with life, it will not be the same. Nature, seeing the moon throught a window was a treasure for this people. If they saw outside the Anexe it was throught a litte piece of a window because they could not take the risk of being discovered. Their life depended on it.

Escaping from Life

The diary of Anne Frank starts with her  Anne's 13th birthday. Lots of presents where given to her, including her diary which was the most important. The life of this young girl was full of friendship, and love. Hitler became president and sterted abusing Jews. Lots of restrictions where put. All the family went to hide in a place called the secret "Anexe" because Margot, Anne's bigger sister was going to be taken away by the police. The firs days in hiding where very busy, then, the Vaan Daans  (the family of a work mate of Anne's father) arrived. The hiding people decided to get together with Dussel (a dentist) who joined them in hiding and told them the latest news.
How I felt when Anne went throught so much change
"Paper is more pacient than man" (Frank 2). This quote is clearly influenced by the time the protagonist is living in. World war 2 was full of unjustice and unkindness to everyone. The process in which Hitler punished jews where very slow. It was just part of a plan with steps that lasted years. Family was the only thing that gave hope in this time, many people lost it. People expressed their feelings throught different forms. Anne liked to write so she considered paper her friend.

" I hardly had time to think about the great change in my life until Wednesday"  (Frank 19). Anne was very occupied with preparing to hide as long as the war lasted. She brought lots of food, clothes, furniture and more. This was a giant change, but there was no much time to think about it. The Frank family had to get adjusted to their temporary home.
How I felt when I knew the Frank family was going in hiding

How can this family stay so calm if maybe all of their friends are dying? This chapters show that you have to think of all the posibilities because Paul Frank  (Anne's dad) saved his family because of infeering what would happen next. This people where very gentile with other jews because they where trying to help people in need. In order to survive in the Anexe, all of the hiding group will need to support each other. Everyone needs to work together in a hard situation