domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Finally, Efforts Bore Fruit

What's New

Wallace got to know Caitlin's family. Martin took the SAT's and didn't get a great score. Martin graduated from Marist Brothers and went to live with Wallace's family until Caitlin gets his scholarship. Caitlin's Mom finally convinced sister Barbara and Martin got his scholarship. He arrived to the US and everyone received him. Caitlin Marrried and had a daughter. Martin started working at a pizza restaurant and got money to pay a house for his family in Zimbabwe. Lois, Martin's youngest sister was being the best student at school and Martin Promised to help her get into University in the US.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

" 'Guys,' I said, interrupting their fun, 'I'd be happy at any of these palces. I just need one to say yes to a full scholarchip' " (Welch 322).
 Martin didn't want toget happy without knowing if he'd been accepted in the universities with full scholarchip.

"HEARING CAITLIN SAY 'YOU MADE IT' when we first embraced made me realize this was real" (Welch 377).
It must be like a dream for Martin to be in the US. For so many years he dream about it, but know it was a reality

"It took some time, but finally I was able to save enough to buy my parents a new house in Mutare (Welch 387).
One thing that I like about Martin's personality is that when he gets what he wants, he does not stop there, instead, he tries to find ways to help his family and repay Caitlin's family

What I Learned

This is a book that talks about a true story. It is impressive how poor people are in the world. These people don't realize what they do not have, they are vary unfortunate. If Caitlin would have not met Martin, maybe he would still be poor.

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