sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

New Surprises

What's New

Rooster Jim, one of Hattie's neighbors gave her some hen so she could have fresh eggs each morning. Other neighbor: Leafie, took Hattie to visit Mabel and her family. Mabel had a son who was named Elmer, her husband was also named as their son. People took Mabel's husband to jail because of not signing up to war, and when Elmer Jr. tried to save his father, he got a broken arm. Perilee's baby was born, she was a girl and was named Lottie.

Lots of things happened

Hidden Messages in the Book

"I wish you could see my fields. I never knew green could be so beautiful-but then I've never had a farm of my own before. Rooster Jim says all portents point to a good harvest. I certainly hope so; my meager budget can't stand much more of a diet"(Larson 179). The first time you make something, you are amazed. Hattie is really proud about her fields and she really does deserve a reward because she has put lots of effort into her farm.

"I'd been inspired after reading a particularly gruesome report  about Hun atrocities. Every man must do his duty, I'd written. What is the small sacrifice of leaving one's family? Think of those Belgian babies and starving Frenchmen. It seemed so easy to tell nemeless, faceless men to march off to war. But to tell Elmer Ren, with a sick qife and too many children and his life tied up in 320 acres of Montena prairie, that he must leave all behind... that was a different story" (Larson186). It is very easy to say or think something you don't know about. When you face things that are difficult, your opinion changes.

What I Learned

First times are always exiting when you are doing the right thing.  Hattie obviously was happy because she was finally getting a home of her own. This was very significant because Hattie could finally follow her dreams. The objective of arriving to Wolf Point, Montana was to have a stable life. I guess that Hattie will acophlish what she wants.
Hattie is finally getting  a home of her own!

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