s谩bado, 23 de abril de 2016

Things did not go as they Should

What's New

Hattie lost all of her crops because of a devastating rain that occurred. Karl and Chase went on a trip to New York. Spanish influenza spread throught Montana, Perilee, Mattie, Fern and Lottie caught it (The 3 kids minus Chase). Hattie went to help the family and all of them could be saved from the desease except for Mattie who died. After Mattie's death, Perilee and Karl decided to move into seattle because everything of their house in Montana reminded them about Mattie. Hattie could not prove up and had to leave her farm and find a job as a maid, which she'd been avoiding in first place. War was over and Charlie was coming back, which was the only good news.
Why did Mattie die?

Hidden Messages in the Book

"As I thanked my neighbors at the end of the day, I felt as if I was at a funeral. And in a way it was. A funeral for a dream. how could months of work be destroyed in a few minutes?"(Larson 241). This was terrible for Hattie. It was very hard to plant the wheat and to farm. She could not plant things again because they wouldn't grow fast enough. Now she was going to loose her property. Sometging Hattie always used to say was that "the lord always works in mysterious ways"; who knows, maybe Hattie will find better opportunities ou of her farm.

"'Mattie, honey. Wake up.' I held her close. Oh God, don't take this child. Please don't take this child" (Larson 260). Sometimes, good things don't last forever. Mattie was certainly nice for being around. She was only 6 years old!

What I learned

This was a very sad ending

Hattie has had a hard time. Everything changed in a matter of seconds. First, the crops where nice and green, then they where all destroyed. First, Mattie was very loving, then she caught the influenza and didn't resist. I did not expect this things to happen. This is a ver nice book, but I would have preferred that not so many bad things happened.

New Surprises

What's New

Rooster Jim, one of Hattie's neighbors gave her some hen so she could have fresh eggs each morning. Other neighbor: Leafie, took Hattie to visit Mabel and her family. Mabel had a son who was named Elmer, her husband was also named as their son. People took Mabel's husband to jail because of not signing up to war, and when Elmer Jr. tried to save his father, he got a broken arm. Perilee's baby was born, she was a girl and was named Lottie.

Lots of things happened

Hidden Messages in the Book

"I wish you could see my fields. I never knew green could be so beautiful-but then I've never had a farm of my own before. Rooster Jim says all portents point to a good harvest. I certainly hope so; my meager budget can't stand much more of a diet"(Larson 179). The first time you make something, you are amazed. Hattie is really proud about her fields and she really does deserve a reward because she has put lots of effort into her farm.

"I'd been inspired after reading a particularly gruesome report  about Hun atrocities. Every man must do his duty, I'd written. What is the small sacrifice of leaving one's family? Think of those Belgian babies and starving Frenchmen. It seemed so easy to tell nemeless, faceless men to march off to war. But to tell Elmer Ren, with a sick qife and too many children and his life tied up in 320 acres of Montena prairie, that he must leave all behind... that was a different story" (Larson186). It is very easy to say or think something you don't know about. When you face things that are difficult, your opinion changes.

What I Learned

First times are always exiting when you are doing the right thing.  Hattie obviously was happy because she was finally getting a home of her own. This was very significant because Hattie could finally follow her dreams. The objective of arriving to Wolf Point, Montana was to have a stable life. I guess that Hattie will acophlish what she wants.
Hattie is finally getting  a home of her own!

jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Bittersweet Moments

What's New
 Hattie was trying to finish planting in her farm, and she did it! She kept sending cards to her uncle Holt and he told her in a card that one friend of him wanted to publish her letters and pay her. One day, she went to visit Perilee and she smelled something burning. It was her neighbors barn (Perilee's). Karl and Chase managed to save their horses, but could not save the cows. Hattie gave them Violet, her cow. She went to church with Perilee after taking care for the baby (Perilee was pregnant). Then, she went to town and shopped for supplies, she found out that her real uncle had left her fencing materials that costed 200 dollars and forgot to pay them.

How will Hattie pay

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'One hundred and twenty dollars!' I reached my arms to that vast blue sky. 'Thank you, Lord, for your mysterious ways!'" (Larson 122). Hattie is very humble and thankful. She was going toreceive this money for her letters to uncle Holt. Each time she wrote a letter, she earned 15 dollars.

"That and boots would only take $7 of my stash. 'I'll make do with these old boots. Then I can get Perilee that old rocker.'" (Larson 123). Hattie was really kind she gave up her boots so she could buy Perilee a new rocker. Since Karl's wife was pregnant, she needed a rocker that they could not afford and Hattie decided to buy it for them.

What I Learned

Hattie was mistreated by Aunt Ivy. She treats everyone well. She is very humble and helpful. In Montana, her village, she is loved by all of her neighbors because of her attitude. It is good for people to have a nice attitude towards others. I am curious about how will Hattie pay what his uncle gave her?

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Adapting to a New Life

What's New

The wolf could not catch Violet. Perilee's husband, Karl had to register as an alien enemy only because he was born in Germany. After that, there where lots of  storm days. One day, Plug (her horse) came with Perilee's children who got lost with the storm when they where returning home from school. Hattie made them stay for the night. Some days later, winter ended and Hattie started to plant. The kids started to visit her a lot. One day, Hattie saw the kids return from school but some other boys where throwing rocks at them because Karl had given them a German fairytale from her mother; when the other kids found out they bothered them saying that German books where not allowed at school. Hattie stopped the bullies. Hattie went to church to a knitting group. When she returned, someone had left a card telling her if she wanted to link to an anti-german group.
Who gave this message to Hattie?

Hidden Messages in the Book

"It was a broadside of sorts. Join the Montana Loyalty League, it read. It hunts home huns, checks class conflicts, promotes pure patriotism. Membership free to all Loyal Montana men, women, and children" (Larson 111-112). Huns are Germans in the book. This quote shows that not only in Germany Jewish people where discriminated, but in the U.S all kinds of German people where mistreated. Karl was German, but he was only born there and did not hate Jewish people, any ways, he had to go and registrate as an alien enemy. Karl's children in-law are being bullied at school because of their Mother's husband.

"'It belonged to Karl's mother,' said Chase as we climbed the steps to my front door. 'Old fairy tales.'
'And Lon threw it-' Mattie held her own nose and covered her doll's. 'In the necessary.' 
I ladled warm water from the reservoir on the stove into an enamelware bowl, soaked a rag, wrung it out, and handed it to Chase. He gently dabbed at his face.
'Why?' I asked.
'They say it's against the law to have German books.'" (Larson 103). People where mean to each other during war. Even children from the two fighting countries where rude to each other. Chase and Mattie (Perilee's and Karl's children) where not really German, but their father-s in-law nationality made them have a hard time at school. Karl was a really kind man.

What I Learned

This part of the book made me be sad about Perilee's family. People should not judge Karl by his nationality because he was a very good person. No one should be bullied. This children where also very kind and cute and did not deserve to be mistreated.