viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

#4 The Solution...

Ivan is really intelligent and fulfill's his promises. He came up with a solution so Ruby would never suffer the same life as Stella living in a cage. Ivan started to paint day and night working in a giant project to save Ruby. The idea was to make a giant picture composed of lots of papers with art work Ivan made. When he finished, he showed Julia his work and she helped Ivan to put it on a billboard; when people saw it, they started to protest; the picture was asking people to save Ruby and Ivan by sending them to the zoo; the plan was working.

"During the days, I wait. During the nights, I paint" (Applegate 174). This quote shows us that somethings are worth the effort, and if you want something you have to fight for it. My opinion is that Ivan is really loyal and nice to everyone. In real life, there are very few people like Ivan and lots of people that don't care about anything. Why does Ivan make so much effort if he doesn't know if he will ever get out? He was only asking freedom for Ruby and he was very nice at thinking about others and not only him.

"More people with signs come today. They want Ruby to be free. Some of them even want Mack to shut down the mall"(Applegate 232). The plan functioned! People started to protest  helping Ruby and Ivan. Everything is possible when you really care about it. It is amazing how little actions can solve great problems.

Everything is starting to get solved. Maybe, Ruby will get saved. I'm sure Ivan will get recompensed for all the good actions he has done. Stella would be very proud of Ivan if she was alive. Now things are getting much better.

#5 Dreams Come True in an Unexpected Way

A woman from the zoo came to take Ruby and Ivan. This was a very unexpected situation, it was good but at the same time sad because Bob, Ruby and Ivan had to say goodbye. Ivan got to the zoo, and made new friends; the same thing happened with Ruby. Julia, Ivans friend who gave paint to Ivan in the Mall came to visit, she told Ivan Ruby was okay and Julia even adopted Bob. Everything ended all right.

" You said you didn't want a home",I say "Yeah" Bob says. But Julia's mom likes my company. So I figure I'm doing everybody a favor. It's a win-win".
"Julia pushes Bob's head back inside her backpack."You're not supposed to be here", she reminds him".
"Ivan looks great, doesn't he, Jules?" George asks. "Stronger. Happier, even".
"Julia holds up a little photo, but it's too far away for me to see." It's Ruby, Ivan. She's with other elephants now. Because or you"(Applegate 299).
This quote shows us that everything you do can have a great impact in your life. It also shows us that sometimes if you have someone you love a lot and have to separate from him or her, you can always visit her or him. With a nice heart you can do anything. Why did Mack make animals stay loked in a cage for so many years?

"I see elephants. She's far away, belly deep in tall grass with others by her side.
"She's here, Stella" I whisper."Ruby's safe. Just like I promised"(Applegate 293-294).
Dreams do come true. Ivan, Ruby and Bob deserved a better life. I predict that in the zoo these animals will live longer that in a cage. Everything will be alright after this. Some animals are meant to be free.

This book is fictionary but lies in  a real life gorilla named Ivan that did paint. Katherine Appplegate used few real life characters in the book and the others where invented. In real life, Ivan was kept in a cage inside a mall for 27 years. He now lives at zoo Atlanta. This was a beautiful and impacting story.


This song is for Stella because she was loved by everyone 

I chose this song because Ivan made lots of things for Stella and Ruby

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

#1 Understanding Humans for a Gorilla... An unexpected arrival

Ivan is a gorilla that lives at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. He understands humans while humans don't understand Ivan.This nice gorilla has two friends, Stella is a elephant and Bob is a dog. Ivan was a free gorilla once but he remembers very little about it, his years of youth have passed. Mack is the owner of Exit 8 Big Top Mall and video arcade, he is very preoccupied because he is not earning much money, that is why a new animal is going to arrive.

"I've learned to understand human words over the years, but understanding human speech is not the same as understanding humans" (Applegate 3).  This quote shows that humans are very complicated. Sometimes, according to the book humans waste words. It also says that we make noises even when we have nothing to talk about. We speak more than we need to.

"I have been in my domain for nine thousand eight hundred and fifty- five days.
Alone." (Applegate 25). This shows that some animals have very good memory and are very smart. Things are not always as they seem. It also shows that anything is possible because of animals understanding humans. Something that confuses me is that Ivan has Stella and Bob for companionship and says he is alone.

I think this quotes are true. Humans are very hard to understand, each person is unique, things may be not always as you think they are.I am also exited about the new animal that is going to arrive because we don't know much about it and it can bring companionship to the other animals. Ivan can make a new friend.  Also, the animal will help Mack with the money.

#3 Stella Gone...

 Stella sadly died and everything changed. Ivan didn't know how to take care of Ruby and acomplish the promise he had done to her great friend, Stella. Ruby was really sad about her aunt Stella's death and couldn't sleep so she asked Ivan to tell her a story. Ivan then remembered about his childhood and told Ruby everything he remembered. When Ivan finished, he was determined to help Ruby by taking care of her and taking her to the zoo where she would have a better life than Stella.

 " It didn't take long for my parents to find my name. All day long , every day, I made pictures. I drew on rocks and bark and my poor mother's back.

I used the sap from leaves. I used the juice from fruit.
 But mostly I used mud.

And that is what they  called me: Mud.

To a human, Mud might not sound like much. But to me, it was everything"(Applegate 125).
This quote shows us that sometimes, the things that mean nothing to someone, mean much more to someone else. I think that next, in the book, Ivan will show Ruby about lots of things in his childhood that where similar to what  Ruby had gone throught. The baby elephant, Ruby  had gone to alike circumstances as Ivan when he was a baby. This would help Ruby be in a better mood.

"Mack grew sullen.  I grew bigger. I became what I was meant to be too large for chairs too strong for hugstoo big for a human life" (Applegate 142). This quote shows us that you are who you are and that animals that are meant to be free can't be domesticated. Mack tried to domesticate Ivan when he was a baby. Back then, Ivan slept in bed, went to restaurants and even lived in a house with Mack and his ex-wife. But time went on, and Ivan became an adult so then, he had to be taken to a cage in the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade.

Summing up, this chapters influence the development of the story. I think his is the biggest change in the book. Ivan is now in charge of Ruby and it's a great responsibility. Things are changing all arround the book. Some changes may be good and some can be bad. 

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

#2 A Big Responsibility

The new animal finally arrived. It was an elephant named Ruby, she is a very cute baby. Stella, the elephant that was also Ivan's friend, welcomed Ruby and helped her. Ruby got along very well and became friends of Ivan, Bob and called Stella her aunt. Stella got really injured from the foot, And made Ivan promise her that he would take care of baby Ruby.

                                                   Ruby is so cute 

                                                     Stella got really injured

"Y͟o͟u͟ w͟a͟n͟t͟ m͟e͟ t͟o͟ t͟a͟k͟e͟ c͟a͟r͟e͟ o͟f͟ R͟u͟b͟y͟".
"S͟t͟e͟l͟l͟a͟ n͟o͟d͟s͟, a͟ s͟m͟a͟l͟l͟ g͟e͟s͟t͟u͟r͟e͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ m͟a͟k͟e͟s͟ h͟e͟r͟ w͟i͟n͟c͟e͟. "I͟f͟ s͟h͟e͟ c͟o͟u͟l͟d͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ a͟ l͟i͟f͟e͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟'s͟ ... d͟i͟f͟f͟e͟r͟e͟n͟t͟ f͟r͟o͟m͟ m͟i͟n͟e͟" (Applegate 112). This quote shows us that Stella won't live for much longer and Ivan will be in charge of Ruby. I think Stella loves Ruby, that's why she wants her to have a better life. I predict that later on, Stella will die. Even though letting Stella go will be hard, I think Ruby will be Ivan's best friend and will bring lots of joy.

"B͟e͟f͟o͟r͟e͟ t͟h͟e͟ c͟i͟r͟c͟u͟s͟, I͟ u͟s͟e͟d͟ t͟o͟ l͟i͟v͟e͟ w͟i͟t͟h͟ m͟y͟ m͟o͟m͟ a͟n͟d͟ m͟y͟ s͟i͟s͟t͟e͟r͟s͟ a͟n͟d͟ m͟y͟ c͟o͟u͟s͟i͟n͟s͟", R͟u͟b͟y͟ s͟a͟y͟s͟. S͟h͟e͟ d͟r͟o͟p͟s͟ t͟h͟e͟ h͟a͟y͟, p͟i͟c͟k͟s͟ i͟t͟ u͟p͟, t͟w͟i͟r͟l͟s͟ i͟t͟."T͟h͟e͟y͟'r͟e͟ d͟e͟a͟d͟" "R͟u͟b͟y͟ a͟s͟k͟s͟ l͟o͟t͟s͟ o͟f͟ q͟u͟e͟s͟t͟i͟o͟n͟s͟. S͟h͟e͟ s͟a͟y͟s͟"I͟v͟a͟n͟, w͟h͟y͟ i͟s͟ y͟o͟u͟r͟ t͟u͟m͟m͟y͟ s͟o͟ b͟i͟g͟?" a͟n͟d͟ "H͟a͟v͟e͟ y͟o͟u͟ e͟v͟e͟r͟ s͟e͟e͟n͟ a͟ g͟r͟e͟e͟n͟ g͟i͟r͟a͟f͟f͟e͟?" a͟n͟d͟ "C͟a͟n͟ y͟o͟u͟ g͟e͟t͟ m͟e͟ o͟n͟e͟ o͟f͟ t͟h͟o͟s͟e͟ p͟i͟n͟k͟ c͟l͟o͟u͟d͟s͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ t͟h͟e͟ h͟u͟m͟a͟n͟s͟ a͟r͟e͟ e͟a͟t͟i͟n͟g͟?" (Applegate 85). This shows us that even though Ruby passed hard circumstances, she is strong and joyful. All Ruby's family died. Also, Ruby is really nice because her family died because of humans and she doesn't hate people. The Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade is very lucky to receive Ruby.

This sections of the book are very important parts of the story. Lots of unexpected things occur. This parts are happy and sad at the same time because of lots of things that are happening. A nice message that they gave us is that you have to be strong no matter what. In conclusion, this was a impacting section of the book.

This song relates to Ruby because she is very strong