miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Following the Plan

What's New

The dream was blown into the queen. The plan was working perfecly. Sophie sat in the queen's window such as in the dream, this was going to help stop the bad ones. BFG was well received inside the castle after the girl was discovered in the window. Sophie and the giant explained to the queen how to stop the bad creatures.
That's how a plan works

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'Dreams is full of mystery and magic,' the BFG said. 'Do not try to understand them" (Dahl 128).
There are things that we don't need to understand, and we simply need to enjoy . In life, we can't understand everything that happens. We have to learn to live with what we have and what happens, also we have to enjoy the simple things of life.

So we have to live with what occurs

"Sophie wished she could see into the room, but she didn't dare to touch the curtains"  (Dahl 151).
What the author is trying to tell us in this quote is that sometimes, we need to be patient in order to get what we desire. Sophie was very impatient about making the plan work, she couldn't wait to start. The girl was patient, and finally, everything went as she wanted it to go. If she did not wait, maybe the plan would have not worked.

What I Learned

So far, this book has provided great messages to us, the readers. In this part of the book, Dahl showed us to be patient and to enjoy little things in life. The book is almost over but there are lots of messages that we will find in what's left of the story. I think this book will end with the plan completed and successfully executed.

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