viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

With Group Work, Everything is Better

What's New

Nayir and Katya got together to solve the case. The both of them tried to find Eric and find out new things. Finally, Nayir find's where Eric is living and talks with him, he says that he has nothing to do with her baby, or her death. Meanwhile, Katya went to visit his fiance's sisters. She went to Nouf's room secretly and inspected it. She found lots of things, and then, Abir, Nouf's sister arrived. She gave Katya a tour throught Nouf's room.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"FOLLOWING MISS HIJAZI'S TOYOTA, Nayir wondered what sort of parents she had who would allow her to work in a mixed environment" (Ferraris 135). By "mixed environment" Nayir meant working with men and woman. He is very strict in his religion. Nayir thinks that woman can't do the same things as men. In the whole world, now woman are seen as equals, and there are very few places in which woman are treated as inferiors.

"every Bedouin in creation prided himself on his superior ability to see anything" (Ferraris 145). People think about themselves differently than they really are. Most of the times they don't admit their errors. Nayir thought he had a perfect vision because he was a bedouin but he really had not. People have to accept what they are.
People don't have to pretend being someone else

What I Learned

This part of the story is really important to solve Nouf's case. I believe that really soon answers will start arriving. I infeer that the answers are closer than they think. Nayir and Katya are doing a great investigation process. This book is starting to get interesting.

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