miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Finishing the Plan

What's New

The BFG and Sophie had breakfast with the queen, and they showed her the plan. Soldiers followed the Big Friendly Giant to his country and captured the 9 human-gobblers. BFG went to live in the city in a house constructed by the queen. The bad giants where put in a cage so deep that it was impossible to escape; snozzcumbers where feeded to the beasts and they could no longer hunt. A snozzcumber farm was placed in the city for infinite food for the giants. Sophie lived with the BFG who was named "Royal Dream Catcher" the good giant learned how to read, write, and talk properly in school. At the end of the story, the Big Friendly Giant confesses that he wrote the book and put the name of other person in it because he was shy.

What a wonderfull ending

Secret Messages in the Book

"'We'll mow them down with machine-guns!' cried the Head of the Army.
'I do not approve of murder,' the Queen said.
'But they are murderers themselves! cried the Head of the Army.
'That is no reason why we should follow their example,' the Queen said. 'Two wrongs don't make a right'"  (Dahl 177).
The nine bad creatures killed humans, but that was no reason to treat them the same way. "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you" -Confucius-. Revenge is not a good thing.

"This was arranged, but because the BFG was a very modest giant, he wouldn't put his own name on it. He used somebody else's name instead"  (Dahl 207).
Eventhought the Big Friendly Giant  did so many wonderful things, he stayed humble. Instead of showing off, he changed names in the book he wrote so it was no big thing. It is good to be modest.

What I Learned

Roald Dahl created a very nice story that teached lots of messages to the reader. Teachings can help you in life, and lots of them where found in this book. I liked this tale a lot and I would definetely recomend it. Since the movie came out, I will watch it. I'm sure that this book will be better than the movie because it is difficult to find as much detail in the book than in the film.

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