jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Things Begin to Make Sense

What's New 

Nayir keeps searching for clues and he finds Nouf's belongings. Nayir and other people like a man who searched for footprints and once worked in a police station finding thiefs went in an excursion to the dessert, but don't find anything. They searched for clues that showed the reasons why Nouf died. Nayir went to talk with one of the only persons that knew Nouf perfectly, his name was Muhammed; he confessed that Nouf wanted to study in New York and that she planned to go in her honeymoon that was planned to be in New York: she was going to leave her fiance in the hotel and meet Eric (the one who would give her the visa and apartment in New York). She would study in the US and then become a zoo specialist; that was her dream. Qazi (Nouf's Fiance) did not know her very well. They had just talked to each other once and when they where kids. On the other side, the Shrawi family hired a private investigator, she was trying to find clues too and was named Katya. She was Othman's fiance.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I've been doing this for so long, I don't remember the rules anymore. I judge on instinct"     (Feerraris 70). With this quote, the author is trying to show us that you only become an expert when you practice a lot. The footprint investigator did this for many years, that is why he never made errors init. He did not follow the rules and just acted by instinct. He made a lot of effort to gain the status of expert.

How I felt when I found out footprint investigators exist.
"He sometimes felt that what his childhood most lacked was the presence of a woman" (Ferraris 75).
This quote shows us that we have to appreciate what we have. Nayir's parents died when he was little. Some people don't notice how lucky they are until they loose everything.

"forgive me. I was supposed to protect her" (Ferraris 99). This quote shows that we have to be responsible. Muhammad did not pay much attention to Nouf so he lost her. Paying attention to people we love is very important.

What I Learned

This part of the book is revealing lots of things about Nouf. The case is starting to make some sense. I thing that deeper in the book, the characters will find out things they did not know. I think there will be lots of surprises. This book is very interesting until now.

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