martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

The Solution

What's New

While dream catching, Sophie and BFG found a bad dream and blowed it in the bad giants; so the nine human eaters had terrible nightmares. The orphan girl learned a lot about dreams, which led to a great plan. This idea would stop the giants from hunting humans. The girl wanted to blow a mixed dream that talked about the nine giants, Sophie, and the BFG into the Queen of England, and then make it reality so the terrible creatures would be stopped with the help of the queen.

Finally the giants will stop.

Hidden Messages in the Book

" Sophie was silent. This extraordinary giant was disturbing her ideas. He seemed to be leading her towards mysteries that where beyond her understanding"  (Dahl 102).
Some people get bothered when others talk abot things that are "beyond their understanding". The best thing to do is to pay attention to new things. The more we learn, better. With more information inside us, we can succeed in life better than if we don't have a good education.

" We can't just sit here and do nothing! We've got to go after those brutes!"  (Dahl 116).
In life we have to be determined. Sophie being determined led her to the plan that saved people from giants. If you don't have what you want to do in your mind, you won't make it. You always have to be sure about your decisions.

What I Learned

I learned lots of things in this section of the book. For me, this is the climax of the story. The plan that Sophie created is very determined and open minded. I think that this idea will be possible and that the nine human- gobblers will be stopped.
When you have determination you know what you have to do such as in the song

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