martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

People are Very Different from How You Think They are

What's New

By analyzing all of the clues, Nayir and Katya found out that Othman was the father of Nouf's baby. Nayir went to talk with Othman and asked him lots of questions; finally, Nayir came to the conclusion that Othman did not Kill Nouf. Going throught the Shrawi property, Nayir found all of Nouf's gems hidden. Nouf did not take all of her treasures when she was going to leave. Someone hid them. Nayir realized that Abir hid the gems and Killed Nouf. At the end, Katya and Nayir became great friends.

How I felt when I discovered that there where many people in Nouf's family who caused her death

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

" 'I found the baby's father' she said. He couldn't help it - he looked. The expression on her face told him everything. Othman" (Ferraris 259). Sometimes, the people you trust in can be really liars. Katya loved Othman, and sadly he was really an infidel. Katya was going to marry Othman, but luckly, she found out the truth about her fiance. It must be very hard for her to overcome this situation. Othman had a very mean behavior and didn't think about how it could affect Katya.
How could Othman be so mean
"You know what's funny? My father didn't want me to marry Othman" (Ferraris 260). Katya's father somehow predicted that Othman was not going to be a good husband. If Katya would have been obedient, maybe she would not have been traspassing this consequences. I am sure this is a really big suffering. By this quote, the author wants to show us that parent's advices are the best.
Why didn't Katya follow his dad's wills

What I learned

This book ended in a really surprising way. The mistery of Nouf got solved. Something that left me with a doubt is: Do people in Muslim families marry their siblings? because Othman was the father of his sister's baby. Other question I have is: at what ages do girls marry in muslim culture? because Nouf was getting married at the age of 15. This book was really impacting and full of surprises.

Nothing is What it Seems

What's New 

Katya tested Muhammed's and Eric's DNA. No one matched with the father of Nouf's baby. Katya told Othman and he told her to stop investigating because she could loose her job.  She started to get involved in the case so she investigated without Othman's permission. Nayir and Katya found clues in a abandoned zoo, Nouf had been there. Then, in a beach, Nayir found where Nouf hid the things with which she escaped. There was a diary in which she wrote about a man that she was in love with, but she never wrote his name. There was also a bicicle, a map, and more. Nayir decided to take the foot print examiner, Multaq to the zoo and the hiding place.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"She hadn't taken the time to look at the printouts, and now it was bothering her. Had either DNA been a match for Nouf's baby? She would have to wait until she got home to find out" (Ferraris 186).
Sometimes, you need to have patience in order to discover things. This quote teaches us that sometimes, there are things you want to find out but you have to wait in order to see them. Katya was probably very impatient because she wanted to solve the mistery. This parts of the book have a very strong message.
How Katya felt when she knew she had to wait a lot.
" 'I've got to meet with Othman briefly. It's about his sister.' Abu eyed her dangerously. 'Why can't you just call him?' 'It's not something I want to tell him on the phone.' " (Ferraris 186). There are some things you have to say face to face and not in the phone. Family issues are very serious. Phone calls are not so formal. It is more respectful to talk about serious things with responsability.

What I Learned

Lots of information was gained during this chapters. Somethings I am curious about are:  will something surprising be discovered? I also want to know if the mistery will get solved or if it will let us with suspence. The book is getting really interesting. The characters are getting closer and closer to their objective which is  to find an answer to Nouf's dissapearance.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

With Group Work, Everything is Better

What's New

Nayir and Katya got together to solve the case. The both of them tried to find Eric and find out new things. Finally, Nayir find's where Eric is living and talks with him, he says that he has nothing to do with her baby, or her death. Meanwhile, Katya went to visit his fiance's sisters. She went to Nouf's room secretly and inspected it. She found lots of things, and then, Abir, Nouf's sister arrived. She gave Katya a tour throught Nouf's room.

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"FOLLOWING MISS HIJAZI'S TOYOTA, Nayir wondered what sort of parents she had who would allow her to work in a mixed environment" (Ferraris 135). By "mixed environment" Nayir meant working with men and woman. He is very strict in his religion. Nayir thinks that woman can't do the same things as men. In the whole world, now woman are seen as equals, and there are very few places in which woman are treated as inferiors.

"every Bedouin in creation prided himself on his superior ability to see anything" (Ferraris 145). People think about themselves differently than they really are. Most of the times they don't admit their errors. Nayir thought he had a perfect vision because he was a bedouin but he really had not. People have to accept what they are.
People don't have to pretend being someone else

What I Learned

This part of the story is really important to solve Nouf's case. I believe that really soon answers will start arriving. I infeer that the answers are closer than they think. Nayir and Katya are doing a great investigation process. This book is starting to get interesting.