miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

The Phenomena

What's New

Sophie was an orphan girl. One night, sophie awoke; she was curious about the witching hour, when every dark creature appeared because every person was in deep sleep. A big giant kidnaped Sophie because she saw him. Humans are not supposed to see giants. The girl discovered that this giant was a Big Friendly Giant (BFG) and that his job was to blow dreams while kids where sleeping.
Sophie was lucky because the BFG did not eat her

Hidden Messages in the Book

" The Giant is running fast because he is hungry and he wants to get home, and then, he'll have me for breakfast"  (Dahl 20). Not everything is how we think it is. Sophie discovers that this giant was not after all. Eventhought in stories giants are mostly bad creatures, that doesn't meant that it is impossible to find good giants.

" He is getting ready to eat me, she told herself. He will probably eat me raw, just as I am" (Dahl 23).
When we are scared, we see every situation worst than it really is. Sophie is now exaggerating.

" 'All of them is guzzling human beans every night', the BFG answered 'All of them exepting me' " (Dahl 35). Being different is not bad. This giant was not as any other, and that's what makes him special.

What I Learned

I learned that being different from each other is what makes us special. The BFG is an extraordinary giant because of his differences. I think that later on, the other giants will find out about Sophie. This has been an entertaining book until now.

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