mi茅rcoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Finishing the Plan

What's New

The BFG and Sophie had breakfast with the queen, and they showed her the plan. Soldiers followed the Big Friendly Giant to his country and captured the 9 human-gobblers. BFG went to live in the city in a house constructed by the queen. The bad giants where put in a cage so deep that it was impossible to escape; snozzcumbers where feeded to the beasts and they could no longer hunt. A snozzcumber farm was placed in the city for infinite food for the giants. Sophie lived with the BFG who was named "Royal Dream Catcher" the good giant learned how to read, write, and talk properly in school. At the end of the story, the Big Friendly Giant confesses that he wrote the book and put the name of other person in it because he was shy.

What a wonderfull ending

Secret Messages in the Book

"'We'll mow them down with machine-guns!' cried the Head of the Army.
'I do not approve of murder,' the Queen said.
'But they are murderers themselves! cried the Head of the Army.
'That is no reason why we should follow their example,' the Queen said. 'Two wrongs don't make a right'"  (Dahl 177).
The nine bad creatures killed humans, but that was no reason to treat them the same way. "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you" -Confucius-. Revenge is not a good thing.

"This was arranged, but because the BFG was a very modest giant, he wouldn't put his own name on it. He used somebody else's name instead"  (Dahl 207).
Eventhought the Big Friendly Giant  did so many wonderful things, he stayed humble. Instead of showing off, he changed names in the book he wrote so it was no big thing. It is good to be modest.

What I Learned

Roald Dahl created a very nice story that teached lots of messages to the reader. Teachings can help you in life, and lots of them where found in this book. I liked this tale a lot and I would definetely recomend it. Since the movie came out, I will watch it. I'm sure that this book will be better than the movie because it is difficult to find as much detail in the book than in the film.

Following the Plan

What's New

The dream was blown into the queen. The plan was working perfecly. Sophie sat in the queen's window such as in the dream, this was going to help stop the bad ones. BFG was well received inside the castle after the girl was discovered in the window. Sophie and the giant explained to the queen how to stop the bad creatures.
That's how a plan works

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'Dreams is full of mystery and magic,' the BFG said. 'Do not try to understand them" (Dahl 128).
There are things that we don't need to understand, and we simply need to enjoy . In life, we can't understand everything that happens. We have to learn to live with what we have and what happens, also we have to enjoy the simple things of life.

So we have to live with what occurs

"Sophie wished she could see into the room, but she didn't dare to touch the curtains"  (Dahl 151).
What the author is trying to tell us in this quote is that sometimes, we need to be patient in order to get what we desire. Sophie was very impatient about making the plan work, she couldn't wait to start. The girl was patient, and finally, everything went as she wanted it to go. If she did not wait, maybe the plan would have not worked.

What I Learned

So far, this book has provided great messages to us, the readers. In this part of the book, Dahl showed us to be patient and to enjoy little things in life. The book is almost over but there are lots of messages that we will find in what's left of the story. I think this book will end with the plan completed and successfully executed.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

The Solution

What's New

While dream catching, Sophie and BFG found a bad dream and blowed it in the bad giants; so the nine human eaters had terrible nightmares. The orphan girl learned a lot about dreams, which led to a great plan. This idea would stop the giants from hunting humans. The girl wanted to blow a mixed dream that talked about the nine giants, Sophie, and the BFG into the Queen of England, and then make it reality so the terrible creatures would be stopped with the help of the queen.

Finally the giants will stop.

Hidden Messages in the Book

" Sophie was silent. This extraordinary giant was disturbing her ideas. He seemed to be leading her towards mysteries that where beyond her understanding"  (Dahl 102).
Some people get bothered when others talk abot things that are "beyond their understanding". The best thing to do is to pay attention to new things. The more we learn, better. With more information inside us, we can succeed in life better than if we don't have a good education.

" We can't just sit here and do nothing! We've got to go after those brutes!"  (Dahl 116).
In life we have to be determined. Sophie being determined led her to the plan that saved people from giants. If you don't have what you want to do in your mind, you won't make it. You always have to be sure about your decisions.

What I Learned

I learned lots of things in this section of the book. For me, this is the climax of the story. The plan that Sophie created is very determined and open minded. I think that this idea will be possible and that the nine human- gobblers will be stopped.
When you have determination you know what you have to do such as in the song

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

Learning New Things

What's New

Sophie finally understood how the BFG was the only good enourmous creature. She found out about human eating giants, there was nine of them. One day, a bad giant almost ate Sophie and the other giants bothered the BFG. The girl tried snozzcumbers and frobscottle that was what the BFG consumed because in Gian country there was no food (that is why the other giants ate human beans). The good friendly giant and Sophie where going to catch dreams.

The giant world was a "whole new world" to Sophie

Hidden Messages in the Book

" ' Yesterday,' he said,'we is not believing in giants is we? Today we is not believing in snozzcumbers. Just because we happen not to have actually seen something with our own two little winkles, we think it is not existing"  (Dahl 48).
In Giant Country, Sophie's perspective changed because she learned lots of things she did not know. We have to be open-minded because we have lots more things to learn than we expect. In our lives, our point of view can be influenced by things we learn. We can't think that we know everything because we don't.

"Human beans is killing each other much quicker than the giants is doing it.' 'But they don't eat each other. Sophie said. Giants is not very lovely, but they is not killing each other. Nor is crockadowndillies killing other crockadowndilllies. Nor is pussy-cats killing pussy-cats.'
'They kill mice,' Sophie said.
'Ah, but they is not killing their own kind,' the BFG said. 'Human beans is the only animals that is killing their own kind.'" (Dahl 78).
In this quote, Roald Dahl is trying to tell us that humans are not as inosent as they think they are. Not all people are bad, but there are also lots of people that are bad. Humans care a lot about material thing that are not so important compared to other things in life.

What I Learned

We have to be open minded in order to make advansmentc in learning. We don't need to see things in order to believe in them. This book is getting really interesting. I wonder what will happen next. I think that later on, Sophie will start helping the BFG in his daily life.

mi茅rcoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

The Phenomena

What's New

Sophie was an orphan girl. One night, sophie awoke; she was curious about the witching hour, when every dark creature appeared because every person was in deep sleep. A big giant kidnaped Sophie because she saw him. Humans are not supposed to see giants. The girl discovered that this giant was a Big Friendly Giant (BFG) and that his job was to blow dreams while kids where sleeping.
Sophie was lucky because the BFG did not eat her

Hidden Messages in the Book

" The Giant is running fast because he is hungry and he wants to get home, and then, he'll have me for breakfast"  (Dahl 20). Not everything is how we think it is. Sophie discovers that this giant was not after all. Eventhought in stories giants are mostly bad creatures, that doesn't meant that it is impossible to find good giants.

" He is getting ready to eat me, she told herself. He will probably eat me raw, just as I am" (Dahl 23).
When we are scared, we see every situation worst than it really is. Sophie is now exaggerating.

" 'All of them is guzzling human beans every night', the BFG answered 'All of them exepting me' " (Dahl 35). Being different is not bad. This giant was not as any other, and that's what makes him special.

What I Learned

I learned that being different from each other is what makes us special. The BFG is an extraordinary giant because of his differences. I think that later on, the other giants will find out about Sophie. This has been an entertaining book until now.