jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Bittersweet Moments

What's New
 Hattie was trying to finish planting in her farm, and she did it! She kept sending cards to her uncle Holt and he told her in a card that one friend of him wanted to publish her letters and pay her. One day, she went to visit Perilee and she smelled something burning. It was her neighbors barn (Perilee's). Karl and Chase managed to save their horses, but could not save the cows. Hattie gave them Violet, her cow. She went to church with Perilee after taking care for the baby (Perilee was pregnant). Then, she went to town and shopped for supplies, she found out that her real uncle had left her fencing materials that costed 200 dollars and forgot to pay them.

How will Hattie pay

Hidden Messages in the Book

"'One hundred and twenty dollars!' I reached my arms to that vast blue sky. 'Thank you, Lord, for your mysterious ways!'" (Larson 122). Hattie is very humble and thankful. She was going toreceive this money for her letters to uncle Holt. Each time she wrote a letter, she earned 15 dollars.

"That and boots would only take $7 of my stash. 'I'll make do with these old boots. Then I can get Perilee that old rocker.'" (Larson 123). Hattie was really kind she gave up her boots so she could buy Perilee a new rocker. Since Karl's wife was pregnant, she needed a rocker that they could not afford and Hattie decided to buy it for them.

What I Learned

Hattie was mistreated by Aunt Ivy. She treats everyone well. She is very humble and helpful. In Montana, her village, she is loved by all of her neighbors because of her attitude. It is good for people to have a nice attitude towards others. I am curious about how will Hattie pay what his uncle gave her?

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