martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Benefited from Friendship

What's New

Both Caitlin and Martin where better after they started being friends, Martin received help from Caitlin who basically sent money each month to maintain his family, and also Caitlin started becoming a better person and understanding that she is lucky. She now saw her friend's problems as an exaggeration and understood girls from her school that where bothered. Once,  people started doubting about Martin, but very soon, people found out that Caitlin's friend was a very good person. Martin was able to continue with school and he got the best grade in all south africa at the O levels quiz, he could have a great future.
How I felt about Caitlin's attitude

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

How Martin and his family probably felt about his score :)

"People could still tell me stuff, but I wouldn't take it on. Instead, I'd say 'That's too bad.' Or, 'I'm so sorry you feel that way.' The only person I was willing to expend any emotional energy on was Martin" (Welch 158).
Here is evidence about how Caitlin attitude changed when she started to know about Martin's problems. Maybe, if these two friends had never met, Caitlin would be a totally different person. Her school friends had problems such as what to wear in a party while Martin didn't know for how much longer he would have food.

" Thanks to Caitlin, we ate chicken for Christmas that year, a miracle considering what our friends and neighbors were experiencing" (Welch 162).
It is very good to help people in need because the impact we cause in thair lifes is good and huge, no matter how small our action is. Also, we have to be supportive because we don't know what people are going throught. Sometimes, problems shape the way people act. Anyone can be passing throught a hard situation and we need to be comprehensive, even people we are very close to like friends have problems we don't know about.

What I Learned

I think that Martin will be accepted in a great college. Maybe, this will also help his family. This way, Caittlin will be paying less to Martin's family. I hope this happens next,n the O level grades are a very good thing that will help the characters in the book.

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