miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

A Great Opportunity at the Perfect Time

What's New

Hattie Big Sky, by Kirby Larson
Hattie is 16 years old and has no parents. Since they died when she was a toddler, she has been living with different relatives or friends of relatives that treat her as a housemaid. The house she was living at her l6 was from "Aunt" Ivy and "Uncle" Holt, they where not really family. One day she received a message from her real uncle offering her a house of her own, a farm, a horse and a cow, she accepted the offer. She went in a train to her new house and when she arrived, Perilee and her family ( Friends of her uncle) took her to her new house. Lots of days after Hattie had settled, a wolf tried to eat Violet, the cow, Hattie tried to throw rocks to the wolf and...

Hattie had an opportunity she never dreamed of, she must feel very happy

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I was thirteen when Aunt Ivy took me in. She's really no aunt at all; Uncle Holt's a distant cousin. She couldn't resist the opportunity to do her Christian duty. Nor could she resist the opportunity to remind me every single day that I had nothing and no one" (Larson 7). Religious people are not always kind. On one halloween, my brother and sister went trick or treating. They knocked on the door of a neighboor who was super religious, and when she opened, she started yelling an my mom that whitches existed and that halloween was a horrible night when no one should go out; that scared my sister who was 6 years old and my brother who was 2. She was really mean.
Both Ivy and my neighbor where really maleficent woman
"Uncle Holt favored newspapers. He was the one who'd first warned about war in Europe. Said any fool could see it coming if he paid attention" (Larson 7). The author wants to show us that reading can make us aware of many things. It can entertain, inform, and more.
This is what the author wants us to do
"Perilee was what Aunt Ivy would've called plain. Her long nose sat at odds with round face. Rusty brown hair scrambled every which way on her head, and she walked withan ungraceful limp. No, Perilee would not turn heads. But when she smiled a welcome to me, I hought her an equal to Bebe Daniels, my favorite film star"  (Larson 20-21). The message in this quote is don't judge people by how they look. Perilee was not so nice on the outside, but she was a really humble and caring person.

What I Learned

This book has been really interesting until now. My prediction is that Hattie will hit the wolf with the rock and make problems bigger. One question I have is: Why hasn't Hatties real uncle go to greet her? I hope the book keeps going on like this because it is very entertaining. I like the way the author describes Hattie's new way of living.