sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Things did not go as they Should

What's New

Hattie lost all of her crops because of a devastating rain that occurred. Karl and Chase went on a trip to New York. Spanish influenza spread throught Montana, Perilee, Mattie, Fern and Lottie caught it (The 3 kids minus Chase). Hattie went to help the family and all of them could be saved from the desease except for Mattie who died. After Mattie's death, Perilee and Karl decided to move into seattle because everything of their house in Montana reminded them about Mattie. Hattie could not prove up and had to leave her farm and find a job as a maid, which she'd been avoiding in first place. War was over and Charlie was coming back, which was the only good news.
Why did Mattie die?

Hidden Messages in the Book

"As I thanked my neighbors at the end of the day, I felt as if I was at a funeral. And in a way it was. A funeral for a dream. how could months of work be destroyed in a few minutes?"(Larson 241). This was terrible for Hattie. It was very hard to plant the wheat and to farm. She could not plant things again because they wouldn't grow fast enough. Now she was going to loose her property. Sometging Hattie always used to say was that "the lord always works in mysterious ways"; who knows, maybe Hattie will find better opportunities ou of her farm.

"'Mattie, honey. Wake up.' I held her close. Oh God, don't take this child. Please don't take this child" (Larson 260). Sometimes, good things don't last forever. Mattie was certainly nice for being around. She was only 6 years old!

What I learned

This was a very sad ending

Hattie has had a hard time. Everything changed in a matter of seconds. First, the crops where nice and green, then they where all destroyed. First, Mattie was very loving, then she caught the influenza and didn't resist. I did not expect this things to happen. This is a ver nice book, but I would have preferred that not so many bad things happened.

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