domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Things Change Drastically

Anne and Peter decided to be just friends. Political news was very good because  UK and USA where starting to gain power and attacking. They where being very succesful. The Frank family and the people in hiding where very exited because they might go out of the Annexe. Sadly, on Tuesday, 1 August, 1944 Anne wrote her last letter to Kitty (her diary). On August 4, 1944 a Dutch person told where the people where hiding, he told them about the secret Annexe. They were all sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp where they where separated, that was the last time they saw each other. In October 1944 Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Vaan Daan where sent to another concentration camp in Belsen. Mrs. Frank died there in Jnuary 6 of the same year; Mr. Vaan Daan died gassed, Peter dissapeared. Anne died after Margot because of sickness in March 1945 (the same year) she was still fifteen.
I just wanted to add this video because it's the only existing film images of Anne (she is on a window)

" Now I am getting really hopeful, now things are going well at last. " (Frank 264). This shows that hope is the last thing that remains. Anne did not surrender in all the hiding process. She had very unique and brave characteristics. We have to learn to be as strong as Anne. She was a great example.

Anne was always really happy, she deserved being free

" I never grumbled, never lost my cue, nothing like that" (Frank 225). In all situations the best thing to do is stay calm. Things may be terrible but you have to find the way out. Grumbling is not the way to react to problems. Having a good actitude is helpful in life. You have to be a nice person.

This last section of the book is pretty meaningfull. It gives lots of good messages. Now there is a Anne Frank museum in her commemoration. Anne's story really surprised people. It got into their minds and it still teaches people all around the world.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

War and Keeping Happiness in the Annexe

Anne fell in love with Peter Vaan Daan. In April 15, 1944 Peter gave Anne her first kiss. There was scarce food, they had to eat rotten boiled lettuce. Lots of people had to go to jale because of helping Jewish people. This family does not understand why does war exist because it only damages the world. This family tried to stay always cheerful and Anne kept seeing Peter.

How I felt when so much things happened at the same time
" Vegetables are still very difficult to obtain: we had rotten boiled lettuce this afternoon" (Frank 222).
This shows that we have to apreciate the things we have. Most of the kids hate vegetables but, others don't have anything to eat. Even thought the food was bad, the people in hiding did not complain. We have to be very thankful. We have to be strong.

" For a long time I haven't had any idea of what I was working for any more; the end of the war is so terribly far away, so unreal, like a fairytale" (Frank 196). Maybe before war, Anne wished for toys; but now, she knows what really matters. This girl has become very strong during the hiding process. Sometimes she thinks about the possibility of war not finishing and she is not affraid. Bravery can help people in their lifes, Anne was not always scared, she was almost always happy.
How I want Anne to stay

This diary entries are maybe the most influential parts of the book. Anne lives for her last 2 years of life in the Annexe and in this section, she describes the most important things. During the war and hiding, Anne has changed a lot. She now loves nature, is very mature and understands life values.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Finding Things to do

There where not much things to do in the Annexe. No one could go out of it and there where not much activities to accomplish. Anne began spending time with Peter Vaan Daan who was the son of Mr Vaan Daan. She began to like being with Peter. New traditions where practiced like Christmas and reading the Bible even thought this was a Jewish family. At first, Anne hated Peter. Now, seeing him was her favorite part of the Day.

"In order to give us something to do, which is also educational, Daddy applied for a prospectus from the teacher's institute in Leiden" (Frank 113). This shows us that education is a price. Not everyone has it, and it is only recognized by people that don't have the opportunity of it . Anne likes learning in the Annexe. In the song Let her go from Passenger says that you don't recognize things until you've lost them.

"To give me something to begin as well, Daddy asked Koophuis for a Children's Bible... Do you want to give Anne a Bible for Chanuka? asked Margot... I think St. Nicholas Day is a better occasion, answered Daddy; Jesus just doesn't go with Chanuka" (Frank 114). This quote shows that war can clearly change people's opinions. Maybe, Anne's dad was trying to change his family into Christianity  so it wouldn't be much of a problem after war. Even thought war is full of fear, it should not influence people. Everything has a solution and changing of faith is clearly not one.

During this Diary entries, lots of things happened. There are not much things to do in the Annexe, but time goes on fast. People in hiding adapt to the circumstances and enjoy life even though it is hard for them. All of this people are being humble and supporting what they can. Obviously they are not perfect and have issues, but they're making an effort to comport correctly.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Trying to Survive

Anne celebrated birthays, Chanuka, and unusualy St. Nichola's day, or Christmas. There where political news of war. Lots of quarrels between the Vaan Daans occured. Lots of new things happened. Anne faught with Dussel because she was trying to get a place to work and the Dentist always occupied the desk in the room that they had agreed to share. The Anexe was full of new things.
What I think that Anne's family should do

"We Didn't make much fuss about Chanuka... St. Nicholas Day was much more fun" (Frank 57).
War makes people change of opinions even if they are not bad. With this quote, I can see that this family are trying to change their faith in order to be treated normally. Anyone can be a good person. We have to like each other by who we are.

"The people in This neighborhood don't look very attractive. The children especially are so dirty you wouldn't want to touch them with a barge pole" (Frank 60). This are the effects of war. In this scene, Anne is just seeing throught a window, she is not really experiencing it, and it is really bad. All kinds of pleasure in life have been taken away by war. Not only jews suffered, but everyone.
How I feel about war
People can become very cruel. This is the case of Hitler. Life of the people that experienced war is clearly different thant the life of a normal person. If Anne's family gets out with life, it will not be the same. Nature, seeing the moon throught a window was a treasure for this people. If they saw outside the Anexe it was throught a litte piece of a window because they could not take the risk of being discovered. Their life depended on it.

Escaping from Life

The diary of Anne Frank starts with her  Anne's 13th birthday. Lots of presents where given to her, including her diary which was the most important. The life of this young girl was full of friendship, and love. Hitler became president and sterted abusing Jews. Lots of restrictions where put. All the family went to hide in a place called the secret "Anexe" because Margot, Anne's bigger sister was going to be taken away by the police. The firs days in hiding where very busy, then, the Vaan Daans  (the family of a work mate of Anne's father) arrived. The hiding people decided to get together with Dussel (a dentist) who joined them in hiding and told them the latest news.
How I felt when Anne went throught so much change
"Paper is more pacient than man" (Frank 2). This quote is clearly influenced by the time the protagonist is living in. World war 2 was full of unjustice and unkindness to everyone. The process in which Hitler punished jews where very slow. It was just part of a plan with steps that lasted years. Family was the only thing that gave hope in this time, many people lost it. People expressed their feelings throught different forms. Anne liked to write so she considered paper her friend.

" I hardly had time to think about the great change in my life until Wednesday"  (Frank 19). Anne was very occupied with preparing to hide as long as the war lasted. She brought lots of food, clothes, furniture and more. This was a giant change, but there was no much time to think about it. The Frank family had to get adjusted to their temporary home.
How I felt when I knew the Frank family was going in hiding

How can this family stay so calm if maybe all of their friends are dying? This chapters show that you have to think of all the posibilities because Paul Frank  (Anne's dad) saved his family because of infeering what would happen next. This people where very gentile with other jews because they where trying to help people in need. In order to survive in the Anexe, all of the hiding group will need to support each other. Everyone needs to work together in a hard situation

mi茅rcoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

#5 Solution, Everything Ends Well

Bella got all wet because she crossed a fountain to save Edward. The vampire had decided to make him kill by the Volturi by showing the secrets of vampires to the people. He was in real trouble and didn't know that Bella was alive searching for him. Bella stoped Edward in the attempt to show the secret and hugged him. Jane, one of the Volturi, made Bella, Edward and Alice go talk to the other Volturis. Bella was inmune to all the powers that the Volturi had they; could not do anything to her. They read Edward's and Alice's minds but their powers did not work with Bella. The Volturi said that Bella had to be a Vampire in a few years, otherwise, they would kill her because she was mortal and knew a lot about vampires. The group of powerful vampires let Bella, Edward and Alice go. Edward and Bella returned to their normal life. Bella was not seeing Jacob anymore, he would not answer the phone or help Bella. Isabella was finding a way to get his friend back. Bella wanted to become a vampire. She made a votation with all of Edward's family, and all of them agreed with one condition, it had to be after graduation, or Bella had to marry Edward. Bella was still deciding what to do, it was a hard descicion. Bella saw Jacob one day, and he was trying to make Bella's father mad with her so he would not let Bella go with Edward, Isabella was very mad, but forgived his friend. Jacob started ignoring Bella again, Edward and Bella went Back to their normal life.

How I felt when everything turned out fine.

" I just about went crazy these last three days"(Meyer 543).
This shows how much Bella loves Edward. She goes crazy if he is not with her. This also shows that even in the biggest problems, there is a solution. Bella was depressed, but now, she is normal again. All the problems where solved at the end of the book.
" So let's both just be hopeful, all right?" (Meyer 547).
This quote shows us that a little bit of hope can make everything hopeful. Bella had hope during this story, so she was able to pass throught very difficult situations. Hope is the last thing that stays in most of life situatons. Without hope, everyone would surrender. Everything can get solved

Edward made Bella happy and he wasn't bad for her. In fact, he was good for her. He was really important in Bella's life eventhought they where really different. Edward said that he was dangerous for Bella but he wasn't. It wasn't safe for them to be apart.

#4 Confusion and Trying to Hurry

Bella was back to normal. Some days, she was really bored because Jacob had to do something and left her alone, in those days, she thaught about his vampire boyfriend. Eventhought she spend her time with Jacob she still felt a whole in her heart because of Edward. Once, Jacob had showed her how his friends made cliff diving. This was not normal and it seemed fun to Bella because you needed to jump from a very high cliff and fall into tha sea. When Jake left Bella alone, she made the desicion to go cliff diving eventhought she didn't know if she would be safe. When Bella was going to jump, she saw Edward as aghost as always when she was going to do something dangerous.Isabella went to the top of the hill and jumped! She felt the cold water in her skin and hit her head with a rock. She now saw edward more clearly. She didn't know if she was dead. Suddently, Jacob dragged her out of the watr and she saw something very red and Blurry. When Bella became concious, she was with Jake. She realized that the red thing she saw in the sea was Victoria's red hair! Bella was worried. One day, Jacob smelled a vampire, it could be Victoria; but Bella knew it wasn't because she saw a familiar car next to her house. It was Alice! Bella's best friend and Edwards sister! Alice was waiting inside Charlie's house Bella was really happy to see Alice. She told Bella that she thought that Isabella had jumped of the cliff and died! Actually, Alice saw this with her power of seeing the future because she was a vampire. Alice stayed with Bella for some days and one day, Alice told Isabella that Edward was in danger, Alice's sister, Rosaline, told Edward that Bella had died, Edward wanted himself to get killed by the Volturri who where the most powerful vampires. Alice and Bella decided to go find Edward and save him, so, they where going to Italy. Bella entered to the Volterra city and runned so she could save Edward.
"We made our flight with seconds to spare, and then the torture began" (Meyer 424). Bella and Alice where really using their time wisely. This was a life or death situation. They where in a mision to save Edward. The author is trying to show us that time is a treasure. Everything was going to be defined in this chapters.
" I doubt they've ever had  a situation quite like this"(Meyer 431).
This quote shows us that we have to be prepared for everything in life. Anything can happen and we need to know what to do. The Volturri never had a situation like this, but their prepared, so they know how to handle it. This people where very powerful, and intelligent; so they could handle anything that was in their way. If Bella and Alice are succesfull in their mission; they're very lucky.
Bella is doing very difficult things. She can do this because she makes affort and is responsible about her actions. Things are starting to get solved. I think that surely, Bella will reunite with Edward and it will finish with a happy ending. All of Bella's friends will return

#3 Trying to be Saved

Jacob stoped answering Bella's phone calls. This was really weird and suspicios. Isabella could not see his friend Jacob. The days went by and Bella's friend didn't contact her. Bella was walking throught the woods, one day, and she saw Laurent, a friend of some vampires who tried to kill her last summer. Laurent was hungry, and he wanted to eat Bella because he was a vampire, giant wolves arrived and saved Bella. Laurent was killed. Laurent was the messenger of Victoria, an evil vampire, this made Bella worry because she was not the only one in danger, his dad, Charlie was at risk. Jacob didn't even go to school. Bella went to visit her friend and she found him sleeping. Isabella woke Jacob up and he said that they could not see each other again. This was really weird. Jacob told Bella he was a wherewolve! Now Bella understood why she came along so well with Jacob, she did not socialize with normal humans!Bella saw Jacob again like if he would  be normal. One day, Bella discovered a problem; Victoria wanted to kill her. Bella now knew that the wolves who had saved her from Laurent where Jacob and his friends. Jacob and his wherewolve friends decided to help Bella. She was now protected.
Victoria and Laurent where FOOLS!

" Could you... well, try to not be a ... werewolf?"  ( Meyer 306).
This quote shows us that it's hard to adapt to new things. Bella had problems with seeing his friend differently. Adapting is not impossible because she got over it with time. Bella and Jacob acted like normal friends. Being a wherewolve was normal for Jacob with time because he gained experience. This was a new experience for Jake and Bella.

" Yeah, there's a load of stuff like that- wolf things. I'm still learning. I can't imagine what it was like for Sam, trying to deal with this alone" (Meyer 319).
This quote shows us that if you propose yourself, you can learn anything with effort. No matter how difficult the thing is. Friends and family or people who are passing throught the same problem can help you. It's hard to go throught difficult things alone. Jacob is learning to be a wherewolve, with help of the others who lived the same experience.

This section of the book was really emotive. Lots of things happened in this 112 pages. Jacob and Bella experienced something weird. Eventhought they are both different, they dealed with it and became best friends no matter what. This was really important so Bella was no longer sad and she could go on with her lide.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

#2 Confused and Searching for Help

Bella finally returned with Angela. Isabella did not talk with her friend, Angela looked really scared and angry. In school, Angela ignored Bella. Isabella tried to fit in, but it was very difficult to adapt to new friends. Bella thinked a lot about Edward; she was mostly mad because of him leaving. Bella was feeling a little bit better. One day, she thought that she was not going to keep his promise with Edward because the vampire promised that if he leaved Bella's life would stay as if he had never existed, his promise was not beeing kept. Bella decided to be the most reckless and stupid she could, so the promises would be broken in both sides. The first thing Bella thought of with the word reckless where motorcicles. One day, when Isabella was returning home, she saw two motorcycles outside a house and she decided to buy them. When she asked for them, the owner said that both of the motorcycles where dammaged and that they where going to be thrown to the trash; Bella got bot of them free. Maybe, repairing them would cost more than buying them new, so she needed help. Bella wanted to go visit his old friend Jacob; he was very good at repairing things, and Isabella had not seen him for a long time. When Bella arrived to Jacobs home, his friend was surprised and happy. Jacob looked much older than the last time Bella had seen him. Bella started visiting Jacob more often during these days, they built the two motorcycles and finished them. Bella saw Edward adverting her of the danger again when she was going to try the new motorcycle, Bella falled and hurt her head. One friend of Bella named Mike invited her to the movies and she suggested to bring Jacob too. Mike and Jacob went to the movies with Bella; but Mike got sick and caught a flu, they had to return home. Bella became sick and when she was okay, she discovered that Jacob was really sick but it was something different than a flu.
"Time began to trip along much more quickly than before" (Meyer 201).
By these quote, the author wants to show us that if you appreciate things, the time passes faster and easier. By adapting to new friends, Bella  appreciates time and life much better. Loneliness  affects people a lot. She was passing her free time in a project of motorcycles with Jacob. This was good but bad at the same time because she was busy but she was letting go Edward and ths Cullens.

"It wasn't my usual  style. I didn't normally relate to people so easly" (Meyer 179). 
This quote shows us that  old friends can help us go throught very difficult situations. Bella is adapting better to life in Forks without Edward. Friends of Isabella are now returning to her life. Bella is very mad with Edward. Maybe, later in the book something good about Edward will happen. Bella related mostly to creatures like vampires.

Bella is really confused. She needs help of her friends. Hopefully, he will get better, and better. All the people that are arround Bella try to help her. Bella will get over this problem surely.

s谩bado, 17 de octubre de 2015

#1 New Moon, A New Beginning

The sequel of Twilight is named New Moon, in this book, Bella, a normal human, experiences unique things. Isabella Swan ( which is her complete name) knows a vampire named Edward and his family that are vampires too. Bella falls in love with Edward and expierience lots of things with him. One normal day, Edward asked Bella to go for a walk with him; Edward confessed that he and his family had to go forever. All Bella's friends were in Edward's family and she was being left alone without friends.Edward promissed that Bella's life would continue as if he never existed, the vampire made Bella promise that she would stay safe and not do anything stupid or reckless because one time, Eduard told Bella she attrackted accidents, she was always in trouble. Months passed, and Isabella grew depressed. What was she going to do all alone in Forks? Isabella decided to talk to an old friend named Angela. She asked her friend if they could go to a movie together. Bella saw a zombie movie with Angela, but everything reminded her of Edward.Bella got out of the movie early pretending that the movie was too scary for her. When they finished the movie, the two friends decided to go eat something.  Bella saw people that had tried too rob her last summer; that time, Edward had saved her. Bella went close to the people because she wanted to see if these where the same people. Bella saw Edward as a ghost, the vampire in Bella's head told her to keep her promise and don't stay close to that people. Isabella wanted to keep hearing Eduard's voice, so she continued closer. Angela started to get frightened. But Bella didn't stop. What was Isabella thinking? this could be a really serious and dangerous situation.

 "Time passes.Even when it seems impossible." (Meyer 93).
In this quote, the author is trying to transmit somethig very important. We have to appreciate time with our loved ones because life is not forever. Sometimes, humans loose time being sad but who knows when tthat lost time will be returned to us; maybe never. Bella is really sad and thinks she didn't appreciate the time she had with Edward and his family. Bella is very sad, so time for her passes very slowly.

" You promised! In Phoenix, you promised you would stay-"
" As long as that was best fot you," he interrupted to correct me" (Meyer 69).
In this quote, the book shows that Edward really cared for Bella. He was doing what kept her safe. This was a hard day for both Edward and Bella. Saying goodbye is not easy. Why does this make Bella's life so complicated?

Bella is really affected by the fact that all her friends are leaving. She feels lonely. This feeling leads Isabella to do crazy and dangerous things. This needs a solution or something really bad will happen. Maybe, Bella was much safer with Edward arround.

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

#4 The Solution...

Ivan is really intelligent and fulfill's his promises. He came up with a solution so Ruby would never suffer the same life as Stella living in a cage. Ivan started to paint day and night working in a giant project to save Ruby. The idea was to make a giant picture composed of lots of papers with art work Ivan made. When he finished, he showed Julia his work and she helped Ivan to put it on a billboard; when people saw it, they started to protest; the picture was asking people to save Ruby and Ivan by sending them to the zoo; the plan was working.

"During the days, I wait. During the nights, I paint" (Applegate 174). This quote shows us that somethings are worth the effort, and if you want something you have to fight for it. My opinion is that Ivan is really loyal and nice to everyone. In real life, there are very few people like Ivan and lots of people that don't care about anything. Why does Ivan make so much effort if he doesn't know if he will ever get out? He was only asking freedom for Ruby and he was very nice at thinking about others and not only him.

"More people with signs come today. They want Ruby to be free. Some of them even want Mack to shut down the mall"(Applegate 232). The plan functioned! People started to protest  helping Ruby and Ivan. Everything is possible when you really care about it. It is amazing how little actions can solve great problems.

Everything is starting to get solved. Maybe, Ruby will get saved. I'm sure Ivan will get recompensed for all the good actions he has done. Stella would be very proud of Ivan if she was alive. Now things are getting much better.

#5 Dreams Come True in an Unexpected Way

A woman from the zoo came to take Ruby and Ivan. This was a very unexpected situation, it was good but at the same time sad because Bob, Ruby and Ivan had to say goodbye. Ivan got to the zoo, and made new friends; the same thing happened with Ruby. Julia, Ivans friend who gave paint to Ivan in the Mall came to visit, she told Ivan Ruby was okay and Julia even adopted Bob. Everything ended all right.

" You said you didn't want a home",I say "Yeah" Bob says. But Julia's mom likes my company. So I figure I'm doing everybody a favor. It's a win-win".
"Julia pushes Bob's head back inside her backpack."You're not supposed to be here", she reminds him".
"Ivan looks great, doesn't he, Jules?" George asks. "Stronger. Happier, even".
"Julia holds up a little photo, but it's too far away for me to see." It's Ruby, Ivan. She's with other elephants now. Because or you"(Applegate 299).
This quote shows us that everything you do can have a great impact in your life. It also shows us that sometimes if you have someone you love a lot and have to separate from him or her, you can always visit her or him. With a nice heart you can do anything. Why did Mack make animals stay loked in a cage for so many years?

"I see elephants. She's far away, belly deep in tall grass with others by her side.
"She's here, Stella" I whisper."Ruby's safe. Just like I promised"(Applegate 293-294).
Dreams do come true. Ivan, Ruby and Bob deserved a better life. I predict that in the zoo these animals will live longer that in a cage. Everything will be alright after this. Some animals are meant to be free.

This book is fictionary but lies in  a real life gorilla named Ivan that did paint. Katherine Appplegate used few real life characters in the book and the others where invented. In real life, Ivan was kept in a cage inside a mall for 27 years. He now lives at zoo Atlanta. This was a beautiful and impacting story.


This song is for Stella because she was loved by everyone 

I chose this song because Ivan made lots of things for Stella and Ruby

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

#1 Understanding Humans for a Gorilla... An unexpected arrival

Ivan is a gorilla that lives at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. He understands humans while humans don't understand Ivan.This nice gorilla has two friends, Stella is a elephant and Bob is a dog. Ivan was a free gorilla once but he remembers very little about it, his years of youth have passed. Mack is the owner of Exit 8 Big Top Mall and video arcade, he is very preoccupied because he is not earning much money, that is why a new animal is going to arrive.

"I've learned to understand human words over the years, but understanding human speech is not the same as understanding humans" (Applegate 3).  This quote shows that humans are very complicated. Sometimes, according to the book humans waste words. It also says that we make noises even when we have nothing to talk about. We speak more than we need to.

"I have been in my domain for nine thousand eight hundred and fifty- five days.
Alone." (Applegate 25). This shows that some animals have very good memory and are very smart. Things are not always as they seem. It also shows that anything is possible because of animals understanding humans. Something that confuses me is that Ivan has Stella and Bob for companionship and says he is alone.

I think this quotes are true. Humans are very hard to understand, each person is unique, things may be not always as you think they are.I am also exited about the new animal that is going to arrive because we don't know much about it and it can bring companionship to the other animals. Ivan can make a new friend.  Also, the animal will help Mack with the money.

#3 Stella Gone...

 Stella sadly died and everything changed. Ivan didn't know how to take care of Ruby and acomplish the promise he had done to her great friend, Stella. Ruby was really sad about her aunt Stella's death and couldn't sleep so she asked Ivan to tell her a story. Ivan then remembered about his childhood and told Ruby everything he remembered. When Ivan finished, he was determined to help Ruby by taking care of her and taking her to the zoo where she would have a better life than Stella.

 " It didn't take long for my parents to find my name. All day long , every day, I made pictures. I drew on rocks and bark and my poor mother's back.

I used the sap from leaves. I used the juice from fruit.
 But mostly I used mud.

And that is what they  called me: Mud.

To a human, Mud might not sound like much. But to me, it was everything"(Applegate 125).
This quote shows us that sometimes, the things that mean nothing to someone, mean much more to someone else. I think that next, in the book, Ivan will show Ruby about lots of things in his childhood that where similar to what  Ruby had gone throught. The baby elephant, Ruby  had gone to alike circumstances as Ivan when he was a baby. This would help Ruby be in a better mood.

"Mack grew sullen.  I grew bigger. I became what I was meant to be too large for chairs too strong for hugstoo big for a human life" (Applegate 142). This quote shows us that you are who you are and that animals that are meant to be free can't be domesticated. Mack tried to domesticate Ivan when he was a baby. Back then, Ivan slept in bed, went to restaurants and even lived in a house with Mack and his ex-wife. But time went on, and Ivan became an adult so then, he had to be taken to a cage in the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade.

Summing up, this chapters influence the development of the story. I think his is the biggest change in the book. Ivan is now in charge of Ruby and it's a great responsibility. Things are changing all arround the book. Some changes may be good and some can be bad. 

lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

#2 A Big Responsibility

The new animal finally arrived. It was an elephant named Ruby, she is a very cute baby. Stella, the elephant that was also Ivan's friend, welcomed Ruby and helped her. Ruby got along very well and became friends of Ivan, Bob and called Stella her aunt. Stella got really injured from the foot, And made Ivan promise her that he would take care of baby Ruby.

                                                   Ruby is so cute 

                                                     Stella got really injured

"Y͟o͟u͟ w͟a͟n͟t͟ m͟e͟ t͟o͟ t͟a͟k͟e͟ c͟a͟r͟e͟ o͟f͟ R͟u͟b͟y͟".
"S͟t͟e͟l͟l͟a͟ n͟o͟d͟s͟, a͟ s͟m͟a͟l͟l͟ g͟e͟s͟t͟u͟r͟e͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ m͟a͟k͟e͟s͟ h͟e͟r͟ w͟i͟n͟c͟e͟. "I͟f͟ s͟h͟e͟ c͟o͟u͟l͟d͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ a͟ l͟i͟f͟e͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟'s͟ ... d͟i͟f͟f͟e͟r͟e͟n͟t͟ f͟r͟o͟m͟ m͟i͟n͟e͟" (Applegate 112). This quote shows us that Stella won't live for much longer and Ivan will be in charge of Ruby. I think Stella loves Ruby, that's why she wants her to have a better life. I predict that later on, Stella will die. Even though letting Stella go will be hard, I think Ruby will be Ivan's best friend and will bring lots of joy.

"B͟e͟f͟o͟r͟e͟ t͟h͟e͟ c͟i͟r͟c͟u͟s͟, I͟ u͟s͟e͟d͟ t͟o͟ l͟i͟v͟e͟ w͟i͟t͟h͟ m͟y͟ m͟o͟m͟ a͟n͟d͟ m͟y͟ s͟i͟s͟t͟e͟r͟s͟ a͟n͟d͟ m͟y͟ c͟o͟u͟s͟i͟n͟s͟", R͟u͟b͟y͟ s͟a͟y͟s͟. S͟h͟e͟ d͟r͟o͟p͟s͟ t͟h͟e͟ h͟a͟y͟, p͟i͟c͟k͟s͟ i͟t͟ u͟p͟, t͟w͟i͟r͟l͟s͟ i͟t͟."T͟h͟e͟y͟'r͟e͟ d͟e͟a͟d͟" "R͟u͟b͟y͟ a͟s͟k͟s͟ l͟o͟t͟s͟ o͟f͟ q͟u͟e͟s͟t͟i͟o͟n͟s͟. S͟h͟e͟ s͟a͟y͟s͟"I͟v͟a͟n͟, w͟h͟y͟ i͟s͟ y͟o͟u͟r͟ t͟u͟m͟m͟y͟ s͟o͟ b͟i͟g͟?" a͟n͟d͟ "H͟a͟v͟e͟ y͟o͟u͟ e͟v͟e͟r͟ s͟e͟e͟n͟ a͟ g͟r͟e͟e͟n͟ g͟i͟r͟a͟f͟f͟e͟?" a͟n͟d͟ "C͟a͟n͟ y͟o͟u͟ g͟e͟t͟ m͟e͟ o͟n͟e͟ o͟f͟ t͟h͟o͟s͟e͟ p͟i͟n͟k͟ c͟l͟o͟u͟d͟s͟ t͟h͟a͟t͟ t͟h͟e͟ h͟u͟m͟a͟n͟s͟ a͟r͟e͟ e͟a͟t͟i͟n͟g͟?" (Applegate 85). This shows us that even though Ruby passed hard circumstances, she is strong and joyful. All Ruby's family died. Also, Ruby is really nice because her family died because of humans and she doesn't hate people. The Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade is very lucky to receive Ruby.

This sections of the book are very important parts of the story. Lots of unexpected things occur. This parts are happy and sad at the same time because of lots of things that are happening. A nice message that they gave us is that you have to be strong no matter what. In conclusion, this was a impacting section of the book.

This song relates to Ruby because she is very strong