domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016


What's New

With his great scores, Martin was admitted in Marist Brothers, the best college in South Africa. Martin had to pay his colleague by himself, but he could not pay it, thankfully, the Delta Corporation offered to pay his education. This school was like an internee and was also far away from Zimbabwe, so Martin's family had to be away from him and they could only see each other in vacations. One vacation, Martin's mom got really sick, (Malaria and Cholera) but with Caitlin's money, she was cured and did not die. Wallace, a friend at Marist Brothers was admitted at a university in U.S. Pennsylvania and Martin gave him the address to Caitlin's family. Caitlin and her family where searching for admissions for Martin in U.S. Universities and he was about to take the SAT's.
I really want to know what happens next

Hidden Messages Inside the Book

"I remained quiet. I had nothing left to say. ' I'm on the board of this company, and they offer scholarships,' he explained, handing me a piece of official stationery that said DELTA CORPORATION 
I was trembling as I read the note:
Dear Sir: 
  This is to inform you that Martin Ganda is a recipient of the Delta 2001 Scholarship Award for two years up to A-level exams.
  Kindly send the school invoice for the whole year for the above named student. Payment will be made directly to the school
  Thank you for your assistance.
                                                                                                      Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                     G.T. Mutendadzamera
                                                                                                     Corporate Affairs Manager
( Welch  259).
Martin deserves this kind of price because of all his effort. His education was being paid by a corporation, Martin thought that this day, he was going to be kicked out of Marist Brothers because of lack of payment, instead he got a full scholarship. Caitlin was also great help because without her, Martin would have never been able to finish school.

"' I called sister Barbara today in Thais financial aid office and told Her about Martin' she explained ' And she just cut me off and said : -We don't offer financial aid to internetional students-, which I know isn't true because I hay several friends who where there on scholarships from different countries'" (Welch 296).
Caitlin's mom is trying to get Martin a full scholarship for university, but it's difficult. Everyone should be treated equally, I mean why do other kids that are less desperate get the scholarship? Sometimes, when we hear about harsh stories we don't listen to them until we see for ourselves how terrible they are. Sister Barbara was ignoring Martin's case.

What I Learned

I think that the good things we do are paid back by life. Martin really needed a recompense for helping his family and always studying hard for them. He is very lucky that Caitlin apeared because she has been a great support. This book almost comes to an end and so far it has been really interesting.

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