domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Escaping from Life

The diary of Anne Frank starts with her  Anne's 13th birthday. Lots of presents where given to her, including her diary which was the most important. The life of this young girl was full of friendship, and love. Hitler became president and sterted abusing Jews. Lots of restrictions where put. All the family went to hide in a place called the secret "Anexe" because Margot, Anne's bigger sister was going to be taken away by the police. The firs days in hiding where very busy, then, the Vaan Daans  (the family of a work mate of Anne's father) arrived. The hiding people decided to get together with Dussel (a dentist) who joined them in hiding and told them the latest news.
How I felt when Anne went throught so much change
"Paper is more pacient than man" (Frank 2). This quote is clearly influenced by the time the protagonist is living in. World war 2 was full of unjustice and unkindness to everyone. The process in which Hitler punished jews where very slow. It was just part of a plan with steps that lasted years. Family was the only thing that gave hope in this time, many people lost it. People expressed their feelings throught different forms. Anne liked to write so she considered paper her friend.

" I hardly had time to think about the great change in my life until Wednesday"  (Frank 19). Anne was very occupied with preparing to hide as long as the war lasted. She brought lots of food, clothes, furniture and more. This was a giant change, but there was no much time to think about it. The Frank family had to get adjusted to their temporary home.
How I felt when I knew the Frank family was going in hiding

How can this family stay so calm if maybe all of their friends are dying? This chapters show that you have to think of all the posibilities because Paul Frank  (Anne's dad) saved his family because of infeering what would happen next. This people where very gentile with other jews because they where trying to help people in need. In order to survive in the Anexe, all of the hiding group will need to support each other. Everyone needs to work together in a hard situation

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