jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Finding Things to do

There where not much things to do in the Annexe. No one could go out of it and there where not much activities to accomplish. Anne began spending time with Peter Vaan Daan who was the son of Mr Vaan Daan. She began to like being with Peter. New traditions where practiced like Christmas and reading the Bible even thought this was a Jewish family. At first, Anne hated Peter. Now, seeing him was her favorite part of the Day.

"In order to give us something to do, which is also educational, Daddy applied for a prospectus from the teacher's institute in Leiden" (Frank 113). This shows us that education is a price. Not everyone has it, and it is only recognized by people that don't have the opportunity of it . Anne likes learning in the Annexe. In the song Let her go from Passenger says that you don't recognize things until you've lost them.

"To give me something to begin as well, Daddy asked Koophuis for a Children's Bible... Do you want to give Anne a Bible for Chanuka? asked Margot... I think St. Nicholas Day is a better occasion, answered Daddy; Jesus just doesn't go with Chanuka" (Frank 114). This quote shows that war can clearly change people's opinions. Maybe, Anne's dad was trying to change his family into Christianity  so it wouldn't be much of a problem after war. Even thought war is full of fear, it should not influence people. Everything has a solution and changing of faith is clearly not one.

During this Diary entries, lots of things happened. There are not much things to do in the Annexe, but time goes on fast. People in hiding adapt to the circumstances and enjoy life even though it is hard for them. All of this people are being humble and supporting what they can. Obviously they are not perfect and have issues, but they're making an effort to comport correctly.

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