miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

#5 Solution, Everything Ends Well

Bella got all wet because she crossed a fountain to save Edward. The vampire had decided to make him kill by the Volturi by showing the secrets of vampires to the people. He was in real trouble and didn't know that Bella was alive searching for him. Bella stoped Edward in the attempt to show the secret and hugged him. Jane, one of the Volturi, made Bella, Edward and Alice go talk to the other Volturis. Bella was inmune to all the powers that the Volturi had they; could not do anything to her. They read Edward's and Alice's minds but their powers did not work with Bella. The Volturi said that Bella had to be a Vampire in a few years, otherwise, they would kill her because she was mortal and knew a lot about vampires. The group of powerful vampires let Bella, Edward and Alice go. Edward and Bella returned to their normal life. Bella was not seeing Jacob anymore, he would not answer the phone or help Bella. Isabella was finding a way to get his friend back. Bella wanted to become a vampire. She made a votation with all of Edward's family, and all of them agreed with one condition, it had to be after graduation, or Bella had to marry Edward. Bella was still deciding what to do, it was a hard descicion. Bella saw Jacob one day, and he was trying to make Bella's father mad with her so he would not let Bella go with Edward, Isabella was very mad, but forgived his friend. Jacob started ignoring Bella again, Edward and Bella went Back to their normal life.

How I felt when everything turned out fine.

" I just about went crazy these last three days"(Meyer 543).
This shows how much Bella loves Edward. She goes crazy if he is not with her. This also shows that even in the biggest problems, there is a solution. Bella was depressed, but now, she is normal again. All the problems where solved at the end of the book.
" So let's both just be hopeful, all right?" (Meyer 547).
This quote shows us that a little bit of hope can make everything hopeful. Bella had hope during this story, so she was able to pass throught very difficult situations. Hope is the last thing that stays in most of life situatons. Without hope, everyone would surrender. Everything can get solved

Edward made Bella happy and he wasn't bad for her. In fact, he was good for her. He was really important in Bella's life eventhought they where really different. Edward said that he was dangerous for Bella but he wasn't. It wasn't safe for them to be apart.

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