domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Trying to Survive

Anne celebrated birthays, Chanuka, and unusualy St. Nichola's day, or Christmas. There where political news of war. Lots of quarrels between the Vaan Daans occured. Lots of new things happened. Anne faught with Dussel because she was trying to get a place to work and the Dentist always occupied the desk in the room that they had agreed to share. The Anexe was full of new things.
What I think that Anne's family should do

"We Didn't make much fuss about Chanuka... St. Nicholas Day was much more fun" (Frank 57).
War makes people change of opinions even if they are not bad. With this quote, I can see that this family are trying to change their faith in order to be treated normally. Anyone can be a good person. We have to like each other by who we are.

"The people in This neighborhood don't look very attractive. The children especially are so dirty you wouldn't want to touch them with a barge pole" (Frank 60). This are the effects of war. In this scene, Anne is just seeing throught a window, she is not really experiencing it, and it is really bad. All kinds of pleasure in life have been taken away by war. Not only jews suffered, but everyone.
How I feel about war
People can become very cruel. This is the case of Hitler. Life of the people that experienced war is clearly different thant the life of a normal person. If Anne's family gets out with life, it will not be the same. Nature, seeing the moon throught a window was a treasure for this people. If they saw outside the Anexe it was throught a litte piece of a window because they could not take the risk of being discovered. Their life depended on it.

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