domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

Things Change Drastically

Anne and Peter decided to be just friends. Political news was very good because  UK and USA where starting to gain power and attacking. They where being very succesful. The Frank family and the people in hiding where very exited because they might go out of the Annexe. Sadly, on Tuesday, 1 August, 1944 Anne wrote her last letter to Kitty (her diary). On August 4, 1944 a Dutch person told where the people where hiding, he told them about the secret Annexe. They were all sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp where they where separated, that was the last time they saw each other. In October 1944 Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Vaan Daan where sent to another concentration camp in Belsen. Mrs. Frank died there in Jnuary 6 of the same year; Mr. Vaan Daan died gassed, Peter dissapeared. Anne died after Margot because of sickness in March 1945 (the same year) she was still fifteen.
I just wanted to add this video because it's the only existing film images of Anne (she is on a window)

" Now I am getting really hopeful, now things are going well at last. " (Frank 264). This shows that hope is the last thing that remains. Anne did not surrender in all the hiding process. She had very unique and brave characteristics. We have to learn to be as strong as Anne. She was a great example.

Anne was always really happy, she deserved being free

" I never grumbled, never lost my cue, nothing like that" (Frank 225). In all situations the best thing to do is stay calm. Things may be terrible but you have to find the way out. Grumbling is not the way to react to problems. Having a good actitude is helpful in life. You have to be a nice person.

This last section of the book is pretty meaningfull. It gives lots of good messages. Now there is a Anne Frank museum in her commemoration. Anne's story really surprised people. It got into their minds and it still teaches people all around the world.

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