miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

#4 Confusion and Trying to Hurry

Bella was back to normal. Some days, she was really bored because Jacob had to do something and left her alone, in those days, she thaught about his vampire boyfriend. Eventhought she spend her time with Jacob she still felt a whole in her heart because of Edward. Once, Jacob had showed her how his friends made cliff diving. This was not normal and it seemed fun to Bella because you needed to jump from a very high cliff and fall into tha sea. When Jake left Bella alone, she made the desicion to go cliff diving eventhought she didn't know if she would be safe. When Bella was going to jump, she saw Edward as aghost as always when she was going to do something dangerous.Isabella went to the top of the hill and jumped! She felt the cold water in her skin and hit her head with a rock. She now saw edward more clearly. She didn't know if she was dead. Suddently, Jacob dragged her out of the watr and she saw something very red and Blurry. When Bella became concious, she was with Jake. She realized that the red thing she saw in the sea was Victoria's red hair! Bella was worried. One day, Jacob smelled a vampire, it could be Victoria; but Bella knew it wasn't because she saw a familiar car next to her house. It was Alice! Bella's best friend and Edwards sister! Alice was waiting inside Charlie's house Bella was really happy to see Alice. She told Bella that she thought that Isabella had jumped of the cliff and died! Actually, Alice saw this with her power of seeing the future because she was a vampire. Alice stayed with Bella for some days and one day, Alice told Isabella that Edward was in danger, Alice's sister, Rosaline, told Edward that Bella had died, Edward wanted himself to get killed by the Volturri who where the most powerful vampires. Alice and Bella decided to go find Edward and save him, so, they where going to Italy. Bella entered to the Volterra city and runned so she could save Edward.
"We made our flight with seconds to spare, and then the torture began" (Meyer 424). Bella and Alice where really using their time wisely. This was a life or death situation. They where in a mision to save Edward. The author is trying to show us that time is a treasure. Everything was going to be defined in this chapters.
" I doubt they've ever had  a situation quite like this"(Meyer 431).
This quote shows us that we have to be prepared for everything in life. Anything can happen and we need to know what to do. The Volturri never had a situation like this, but their prepared, so they know how to handle it. This people where very powerful, and intelligent; so they could handle anything that was in their way. If Bella and Alice are succesfull in their mission; they're very lucky.
Bella is doing very difficult things. She can do this because she makes affort and is responsible about her actions. Things are starting to get solved. I think that surely, Bella will reunite with Edward and it will finish with a happy ending. All of Bella's friends will return

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