miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

#3 Trying to be Saved

Jacob stoped answering Bella's phone calls. This was really weird and suspicios. Isabella could not see his friend Jacob. The days went by and Bella's friend didn't contact her. Bella was walking throught the woods, one day, and she saw Laurent, a friend of some vampires who tried to kill her last summer. Laurent was hungry, and he wanted to eat Bella because he was a vampire, giant wolves arrived and saved Bella. Laurent was killed. Laurent was the messenger of Victoria, an evil vampire, this made Bella worry because she was not the only one in danger, his dad, Charlie was at risk. Jacob didn't even go to school. Bella went to visit her friend and she found him sleeping. Isabella woke Jacob up and he said that they could not see each other again. This was really weird. Jacob told Bella he was a wherewolve! Now Bella understood why she came along so well with Jacob, she did not socialize with normal humans!Bella saw Jacob again like if he would  be normal. One day, Bella discovered a problem; Victoria wanted to kill her. Bella now knew that the wolves who had saved her from Laurent where Jacob and his friends. Jacob and his wherewolve friends decided to help Bella. She was now protected.
Victoria and Laurent where FOOLS!

" Could you... well, try to not be a ... werewolf?"  ( Meyer 306).
This quote shows us that it's hard to adapt to new things. Bella had problems with seeing his friend differently. Adapting is not impossible because she got over it with time. Bella and Jacob acted like normal friends. Being a wherewolve was normal for Jacob with time because he gained experience. This was a new experience for Jake and Bella.

" Yeah, there's a load of stuff like that- wolf things. I'm still learning. I can't imagine what it was like for Sam, trying to deal with this alone" (Meyer 319).
This quote shows us that if you propose yourself, you can learn anything with effort. No matter how difficult the thing is. Friends and family or people who are passing throught the same problem can help you. It's hard to go throught difficult things alone. Jacob is learning to be a wherewolve, with help of the others who lived the same experience.

This section of the book was really emotive. Lots of things happened in this 112 pages. Jacob and Bella experienced something weird. Eventhought they are both different, they dealed with it and became best friends no matter what. This was really important so Bella was no longer sad and she could go on with her lide.

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