viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

#4 The Solution...

Ivan is really intelligent and fulfill's his promises. He came up with a solution so Ruby would never suffer the same life as Stella living in a cage. Ivan started to paint day and night working in a giant project to save Ruby. The idea was to make a giant picture composed of lots of papers with art work Ivan made. When he finished, he showed Julia his work and she helped Ivan to put it on a billboard; when people saw it, they started to protest; the picture was asking people to save Ruby and Ivan by sending them to the zoo; the plan was working.

"During the days, I wait. During the nights, I paint" (Applegate 174). This quote shows us that somethings are worth the effort, and if you want something you have to fight for it. My opinion is that Ivan is really loyal and nice to everyone. In real life, there are very few people like Ivan and lots of people that don't care about anything. Why does Ivan make so much effort if he doesn't know if he will ever get out? He was only asking freedom for Ruby and he was very nice at thinking about others and not only him.

"More people with signs come today. They want Ruby to be free. Some of them even want Mack to shut down the mall"(Applegate 232). The plan functioned! People started to protest  helping Ruby and Ivan. Everything is possible when you really care about it. It is amazing how little actions can solve great problems.

Everything is starting to get solved. Maybe, Ruby will get saved. I'm sure Ivan will get recompensed for all the good actions he has done. Stella would be very proud of Ivan if she was alive. Now things are getting much better.

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