lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

#1 Understanding Humans for a Gorilla... An unexpected arrival

Ivan is a gorilla that lives at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. He understands humans while humans don't understand Ivan.This nice gorilla has two friends, Stella is a elephant and Bob is a dog. Ivan was a free gorilla once but he remembers very little about it, his years of youth have passed. Mack is the owner of Exit 8 Big Top Mall and video arcade, he is very preoccupied because he is not earning much money, that is why a new animal is going to arrive.

"I've learned to understand human words over the years, but understanding human speech is not the same as understanding humans" (Applegate 3).  This quote shows that humans are very complicated. Sometimes, according to the book humans waste words. It also says that we make noises even when we have nothing to talk about. We speak more than we need to.

"I have been in my domain for nine thousand eight hundred and fifty- five days.
Alone." (Applegate 25). This shows that some animals have very good memory and are very smart. Things are not always as they seem. It also shows that anything is possible because of animals understanding humans. Something that confuses me is that Ivan has Stella and Bob for companionship and says he is alone.

I think this quotes are true. Humans are very hard to understand, each person is unique, things may be not always as you think they are.I am also exited about the new animal that is going to arrive because we don't know much about it and it can bring companionship to the other animals. Ivan can make a new friend.  Also, the animal will help Mack with the money.

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