viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

#5 Dreams Come True in an Unexpected Way

A woman from the zoo came to take Ruby and Ivan. This was a very unexpected situation, it was good but at the same time sad because Bob, Ruby and Ivan had to say goodbye. Ivan got to the zoo, and made new friends; the same thing happened with Ruby. Julia, Ivans friend who gave paint to Ivan in the Mall came to visit, she told Ivan Ruby was okay and Julia even adopted Bob. Everything ended all right.

" You said you didn't want a home",I say "Yeah" Bob says. But Julia's mom likes my company. So I figure I'm doing everybody a favor. It's a win-win".
"Julia pushes Bob's head back inside her backpack."You're not supposed to be here", she reminds him".
"Ivan looks great, doesn't he, Jules?" George asks. "Stronger. Happier, even".
"Julia holds up a little photo, but it's too far away for me to see." It's Ruby, Ivan. She's with other elephants now. Because or you"(Applegate 299).
This quote shows us that everything you do can have a great impact in your life. It also shows us that sometimes if you have someone you love a lot and have to separate from him or her, you can always visit her or him. With a nice heart you can do anything. Why did Mack make animals stay loked in a cage for so many years?

"I see elephants. She's far away, belly deep in tall grass with others by her side.
"She's here, Stella" I whisper."Ruby's safe. Just like I promised"(Applegate 293-294).
Dreams do come true. Ivan, Ruby and Bob deserved a better life. I predict that in the zoo these animals will live longer that in a cage. Everything will be alright after this. Some animals are meant to be free.

This book is fictionary but lies in  a real life gorilla named Ivan that did paint. Katherine Appplegate used few real life characters in the book and the others where invented. In real life, Ivan was kept in a cage inside a mall for 27 years. He now lives at zoo Atlanta. This was a beautiful and impacting story.


This song is for Stella because she was loved by everyone 

I chose this song because Ivan made lots of things for Stella and Ruby

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