sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

#1 New Moon, A New Beginning

The sequel of Twilight is named New Moon, in this book, Bella, a normal human, experiences unique things. Isabella Swan ( which is her complete name) knows a vampire named Edward and his family that are vampires too. Bella falls in love with Edward and expierience lots of things with him. One normal day, Edward asked Bella to go for a walk with him; Edward confessed that he and his family had to go forever. All Bella's friends were in Edward's family and she was being left alone without friends.Edward promissed that Bella's life would continue as if he never existed, the vampire made Bella promise that she would stay safe and not do anything stupid or reckless because one time, Eduard told Bella she attrackted accidents, she was always in trouble. Months passed, and Isabella grew depressed. What was she going to do all alone in Forks? Isabella decided to talk to an old friend named Angela. She asked her friend if they could go to a movie together. Bella saw a zombie movie with Angela, but everything reminded her of Edward.Bella got out of the movie early pretending that the movie was too scary for her. When they finished the movie, the two friends decided to go eat something.  Bella saw people that had tried too rob her last summer; that time, Edward had saved her. Bella went close to the people because she wanted to see if these where the same people. Bella saw Edward as a ghost, the vampire in Bella's head told her to keep her promise and don't stay close to that people. Isabella wanted to keep hearing Eduard's voice, so she continued closer. Angela started to get frightened. But Bella didn't stop. What was Isabella thinking? this could be a really serious and dangerous situation.

 "Time passes.Even when it seems impossible." (Meyer 93).
In this quote, the author is trying to transmit somethig very important. We have to appreciate time with our loved ones because life is not forever. Sometimes, humans loose time being sad but who knows when tthat lost time will be returned to us; maybe never. Bella is really sad and thinks she didn't appreciate the time she had with Edward and his family. Bella is very sad, so time for her passes very slowly.

" You promised! In Phoenix, you promised you would stay-"
" As long as that was best fot you," he interrupted to correct me" (Meyer 69).
In this quote, the book shows that Edward really cared for Bella. He was doing what kept her safe. This was a hard day for both Edward and Bella. Saying goodbye is not easy. Why does this make Bella's life so complicated?

Bella is really affected by the fact that all her friends are leaving. She feels lonely. This feeling leads Isabella to do crazy and dangerous things. This needs a solution or something really bad will happen. Maybe, Bella was much safer with Edward arround.

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