lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

#2 Confused and Searching for Help

Bella finally returned with Angela. Isabella did not talk with her friend, Angela looked really scared and angry. In school, Angela ignored Bella. Isabella tried to fit in, but it was very difficult to adapt to new friends. Bella thinked a lot about Edward; she was mostly mad because of him leaving. Bella was feeling a little bit better. One day, she thought that she was not going to keep his promise with Edward because the vampire promised that if he leaved Bella's life would stay as if he had never existed, his promise was not beeing kept. Bella decided to be the most reckless and stupid she could, so the promises would be broken in both sides. The first thing Bella thought of with the word reckless where motorcicles. One day, when Isabella was returning home, she saw two motorcycles outside a house and she decided to buy them. When she asked for them, the owner said that both of the motorcycles where dammaged and that they where going to be thrown to the trash; Bella got bot of them free. Maybe, repairing them would cost more than buying them new, so she needed help. Bella wanted to go visit his old friend Jacob; he was very good at repairing things, and Isabella had not seen him for a long time. When Bella arrived to Jacobs home, his friend was surprised and happy. Jacob looked much older than the last time Bella had seen him. Bella started visiting Jacob more often during these days, they built the two motorcycles and finished them. Bella saw Edward adverting her of the danger again when she was going to try the new motorcycle, Bella falled and hurt her head. One friend of Bella named Mike invited her to the movies and she suggested to bring Jacob too. Mike and Jacob went to the movies with Bella; but Mike got sick and caught a flu, they had to return home. Bella became sick and when she was okay, she discovered that Jacob was really sick but it was something different than a flu.
"Time began to trip along much more quickly than before" (Meyer 201).
By these quote, the author wants to show us that if you appreciate things, the time passes faster and easier. By adapting to new friends, Bella  appreciates time and life much better. Loneliness  affects people a lot. She was passing her free time in a project of motorcycles with Jacob. This was good but bad at the same time because she was busy but she was letting go Edward and ths Cullens.

"It wasn't my usual  style. I didn't normally relate to people so easly" (Meyer 179). 
This quote shows us that  old friends can help us go throught very difficult situations. Bella is adapting better to life in Forks without Edward. Friends of Isabella are now returning to her life. Bella is very mad with Edward. Maybe, later in the book something good about Edward will happen. Bella related mostly to creatures like vampires.

Bella is really confused. She needs help of her friends. Hopefully, he will get better, and better. All the people that are arround Bella try to help her. Bella will get over this problem surely.

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